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Give and get support around quitting


i really need advise

hi..........My name is Ron and i'm new to this forum...I've smoked for 40 years and am trying to quit..I went through laser therapy twice.acupuncture......and now for past five days cold turkey...chewed a lot of cinamon toothpicks and straws....but i caved last nite at 2 in the you know how hard it is to find a 24 gas station in the sticks? I the only one who caves so quick??.......Thanks for any advise....
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12 Replies

i want to thank each person who replied to my query............i set a new quit date of Sunday.Aug. 3rd..........cold i can get to 2 weeks.....i should be ok,...tyvm for taking the time Ron
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Try to make plans of what you could do sowhen those cravings Pop up at you Instead of letting that urge get to you. Instead go, in another room or play, silly games, or go do something silly for yourself. Just to keep them off your mind. You and I can beat ower own monsters, Just do you'r best at making those plans and stick with them. (DON'T LET THOSE CIGARETTES WIN)
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Hey Ron, I don't know if I can give advice since I just started doing this myself but I can relate to how you feel. I did some of those things myself. I was going to try the laser thing as a last resort but joined this instead. This sight is so great because it's filled with people who are in different places on the same path as us and are really willing to help.
Stick with it. We can do this. Cigarettes are pretty powerful but so are we if we make up our minds!
Good luck Man!!
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