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Give and get support around quitting


i really need advise

hi..........My name is Ron and i'm new to this forum...I've smoked for 40 years and am trying to quit..I went through laser therapy twice.acupuncture......and now for past five days cold turkey...chewed a lot of cinamon toothpicks and straws....but i caved last nite at 2 in the you know how hard it is to find a 24 gas station in the sticks? I the only one who caves so quick??.......Thanks for any advise....
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12 Replies

Ron, you are definitely not alone. I'm 53 years old and I smoked for 35 years. This is my forth time quitting and this time I made 4 years this month. I had no desire to quit. My cigarettes were my comfort. I enjoyed smoking when I drove, had a cup of coffee, when I was upset, and just because. So I was terrified when I quit. I did the lozenges. They did help, but the first few days were real hard. I decided that I would do whatever it took to stay smoke-free because I didn't want to go through this again. My support system was my son. Today I am not a slave to cigarettes. I rarely cough anymore. My home smells better and so do I. Don't kick yourself for last night. I used to drive 60 miles to get cigarettes at a discount price at a local casino. Just try again. If I can do it, so can you.
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Not to worry about caving. Are you using any type of NRT's? It will increase your chances of quitting by 50%.
I will be using the gum myself. Also, what works for me is lots of WATER. Sounds like you were on your way. Equip
yourself with some help to fight your urges and give it another try. Good that you've made the decision to quit!!
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ty.........i forgot to add..i smoked 4 cartons in less than 2 i knew i had to quit............i made it about 5 or 6 hate counting.......but i'm like in a habit...i work for a while and a cig is my reward...this is tough to relearn.........but ty for support
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Hi Ron! No, you are not the only one by any means. I can't even count the number of attempts that I made in my 39 years of smoking -- so there! This time, however, is different. Coming here and getting support, learning how to deal with the mental aspects of addiction and helping others behind me has made all the difference in the world! People who don't smoke have no idea how much of an addiction it really is. Yet here, everybody understands how you feel and what you are going through! If you haven't stopped again yet, you may want to do the EX program that will help you identify your triggers, track your smoking and teach you how to distract yourself from your normal smoking routine. Also, there is a lot of awesome information on I've found that the best way to overcome the mental part has been through positive thinking. My mantra is, "Smoking is not an option." Once I tell my mind that, then there's no need to think about smoking. A great book to read is Allen Carr's, "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking." It is all about the mental addiction and how our minds fool us into smoking just one...there really is no such thing as just one cigarette for us addicts. I hope this will help you...Also, if you do quit again, drink lots of juice the first 3 days. Our bodies get depleted of blood sugar and as a result, we feel worse. The juice will help restore that!! Don't give up -- we're all here to help you!! Wishing you the best Ron!
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I found myself drinking lots of water too. Ice water. I can't go anywhere without my ice water. It's my new addiction.
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well it happened ...what are you going to do different this time? you think something has to change?

be prepared for craves but it seems you made it through some of the toughest days so you should be able to do this .... keep working on your triggers that made you smoke that one.... not smoking to me is about stopping all excuses to poison yourself ever again...

after being smoke free for over 4 years I have collected posts that you might be able to pick up some wisdom in the words of wisdom and tough luv support groups here on EX. I might suggest the posts QuitTude, Trying to Quit and maybe even Thanks Tobacco You Killed My Mom as starters.

hope it helps....

to me its the attitude ...get it right and you will be a proud non smoker .... u can do it !
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Hi Ron..........My name is Becky. I smoked for 37 years and finally quit a year ago, April 15th. That's right, TAX DAY. After reviewing my tax return, I wondered where all my money was going. Hehee! Anyway, in answer to your question, I tried to quit about six times before I actually did. No, you aren't the only one who caves in so quick. It's hard to let go of something that has been a part of your life for 40 years! Don't expect yourself to undo 40 years of a habit, overnight. The best thing you can remember is to keep trying. Don't give up. It doesn't matter how many tries as long as you don't cave in to not trying. Wait a few weeks, then start all over and set your quit date. I found when I started to crave a cigarette, I had to focus on something else. This wasn't easy as the craving is extremely strong. But, some kind of exercise is the best thing. If you are at work, could you get up and walk around? Or, if you are at home, go for a 30 minute walk. Find a hobby or activity, something that interests you. For me, it is painting. Art is my mental therapy too. Another thing I found to help was instead of counting the days you have quit, count the cigarettes you have not smoked. It is amazing how fast they add up and rather overwhelming to see how many you would have smoked. I put the money in a jar for every pack of cigarettes that I didn't buy. Another trick...put an elastic band on your wrist. Snap it against your wrist until the craving has past. Drink plenty of orange helps to flush the nicotine out of your system. Oh, one other thing. Don't consider yourself a non-smoker. Think of yourself like an alcoholic.... Once a smoker always a smoker, so you can never have JUST ONE.. That was one of my mistakes. I thought I could control it with just one cigarette. RIGHT....WRONG. Try the nicotine patches and use each step a little longer than they recommend. You have smoked for a long time and it is going to take a longer time with help. Get plenty of sleep. Not getting enough adds stress to your body and stress triggers the cravings. Hope I haven't chatted your eyes out and I do believe you will have success eventually as long as you keep trying. Good Luck and let us know how you make out.
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Nope. I originally wanted to quit three days ago, and had until this morning. When I woke up I tried to ignore the craving by doing dishes and laundry, but by 8:30, I was on my way to the gas station. I've readjusted my schedule and picked a new quit date. One breakdown is not a total failure, but I also understand the 'slippery slope' that breaking down becomes. Maybe you need to readjust your quit method by looking at nicotine replacement therapy. Just an idea.
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Hi Ron,

Glad your here looking for more idea's. I just had a "relapse" myself...after 66 days smoke free, a lot for me. You did not fail, you made 5 days smoke-free. WOW! Aren't you impressed that you could do it that long? It also means YOU CAN DO IT.

What I did, and recommend for you, is to analyze what finally pushed you over the edge? Do you know about HALT? Ask yourself, am I hungry, angry, lonely, or tired? And then, resolve the problem, and not by smoking.....because smoking really does not solve the problem. The anger/stress was what pushed me out of my quit.....and now have a "fix" I am trying for that.

Look at it like the learning to walk or making a sale or being good at anything. It comes from trying, failing, re-setting the path and trying again.

It is hard work, you have to keep at it........I think you should re-start AS SOON AS YOU CAN BE READY........

im here if you need help
ps- im on day 2 now and doing fine.
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