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Give and get support around quitting


gaining weight and quitting

Ive been struggling to loose weight now ever since i quit smoking. The primary reason being every day i used to walk from my desk to the smoking zone which is almost 500 meters away 3-4 times a day which was an integral part of my daily step count. Without smoking im sitting on my desk the whole day except the time i go to see clients. My daily steps came down from 3k - 5k  to 750 meters a day. I do run at the gym 3-4 times a week but its not enough to keep me from loosing weight. Now i know people will say increase your activity by taking brisk walks and runs but the challenge is how can one just go out for a walk or run during office hours? People will think after i quit smoking i lost my marbles. 

20 Replies

YIKES!  I thought cars only looked like that in inner cities.  I didn't realize you are in Africa...basically, you need to make up the exercise you have lost but you also need to understand that a little weight gain is normal when you quit and you absolutely should put all of your energy into your quit now and not into worrying about your weight.  I lost more than one quit because I was concerned about my lungs do NOT thank me for that.


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I didn't worry at first about my weight, I put on at least 12lbs! I've always been in great shape and love to exercise. But quitting smoking sure messed with that. But it's all good, because I can now start to work on losing the extra weight I gained.  Things are so much easier with my quit, and I haven't been shoving extra food in my mouth lately to get through triggers. lol   I'm sure if you let the bosses know, that you have quit smoking, and you would like to get outside and get some steps in, they might just see that as a positive.  

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Let me say this first.  People will not think you have lost your marbles.  They would think that you are a great example. Exercising is great, however you have to also make changes in your food intake as well.  If you have just started this journey focusing on losing weight and quitting smoking can be hard.  I would suggest to do the best you can to control your weight by eating healthier snacks.  Eventually it will have a balance out if you also practice new eating habits after you are settled in your quit.  


I totally understand you, being over 500 days since I quit, and having given myself permission during the early days to replace smoking with whatever I felt like (chocolate candies, pretzels, salty nuts), I am now working hard on my body, watching what I feed on.  Not so much for the aspect as for my health.  Being so permissive during the first months of quitting, impacted my health despite the daily 4-5 miles walking. 

Please be gentle with yourself, cut back on the intake to minimize the impact, and try to get the walking in whenever you can.  It is hot in AZ right now, but yesterday in 110 F degrees, I walked outside for just 10 min.  The same thing is happening to all of us working in offices; when we quit smoking we lost the walk to the smoking place, plus the 10% metabolic rate .  Break your lunch time in 2-3 short walks. 

Let us know how it goes, and congrats on quitting, best decision ever!


Hard not to focus on weight, but the fact is your quit was the best thing you could do for your health. Did you know that the cig companies use to  promote cigarettes as a diet aid. Lordy. I've got a few pounds still on from my quit, though not too many. If I picked up smoking today,  I'm sure I could drop those five pounds in a month. Alas, this is a terrible deal, and so I look at the pounds as a one day at a time effort, with the real focus being on nutrition and patience--got a wicked sweet tooth. 

You exercize, you've quit smoking, you're productive in your life...AWESOME!

Breaking for walks? Sounds good!

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What are you eating? sugar is in just about everything we eat these days. I live a ketogenic lifestyle. Its possible to lose without even exercising. Its a matter of controlling your insulin.

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Thanks for asking....just stand up in front of your desk and walk in place for 2-3 minutes...whatever time you took to SUCK ON DEATH STICKS...if anyone asks tell the TRUTH....your stepping in place getting circulation moving to be a healthy person and to get stronger lungs to breath in YOUR NEW WAY OF LIFE...every time you went to SUCK ON DEATH STICKS....stand and walk in place at never know who is watching and they will WANT WHAT YOU ARE RECEIVING...PEACE JOY LOVE FOR YOURSELF FIRST and passing it on to who ever ASKS you....for ME... please take what helps and let go of the rest...thank Jesus name amen and amen keep on keeping day at a time...gentle hug.....and GO FOR IT..... YOU ARE WORTH IT....gentle hug.


How are you doing?  I don't see any "fresh" comments from you.  

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I was not having enough time recently thats why. Anyway i notched up my effort. These days i only eat once a day and go to the gym 3-4 times a week. I lost around 3/4 th of a kilo in the last week. Walking around is still not an option but at least im on the right track now. 

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Wow, don't push yourself too much with the weight right now...take care of yourself, be KIND to yourself, I get it that walking around is not an option right now but don't push so hard that you don't have energy because you are not getting the fuel you need.  I am really, really happy for you and in awe of your regimen of eating only once a day and going to the gym 3 - 4 times a week.  WOW.  Stay close, check in when you can, we CARE.
