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Give and get support around quitting


doing better

i've only had four today. have had the same pack going on three days- SO much better than a pack a day 😄 thank you guys for being so supportive. i didn't have a whole lot of faith in myself and this plan, but it's working great! i'm going to meet my quit date on july 17th.
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10 Respuestas

Well, did you win, place or show? Different strokes for different folks hwc! Why can't you see it? I don't get it. Why respond to everyone the same way? Are you on the whyquit payroll somewhere? Cold Turkey is WONDERFUL for some folks! NOT FOR OTHERS..... AND THEY USUALLY KNOW WHO THEY ARE!
Not for me. I used this program, went down to 4 a day, then quit -right on schedule- with minimal withdrawal and hardship. If people are committed to quitting, they will use ALL manner of methodology to get to their quit. May take 'em a few times, may screw up a bit, may cry and whine and feel sorry for themselves sometimes, may get angry, etc. What the heck is wrong with that? That is why we are all here. We support them anyway.They will QUIT here -or fail and leave the site. Do we need to debate methods every time- on every post?!
I am sure you are not a jerk, you just beat a dead horse that people already know is dead.
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BTW Leanna...way to kick Butt! Stay committed to July 17th. You will do this. Don't let anything stop you...even the nicodemon talking in your ear. Change your patterns, learn what you can about your addiction, then KICK ASH!!!!!!
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AMEN to that, good luck with everything!
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haha okay okay woah people, man... I feel kind of special in a way being argued over 😛 just kidding folks. okay, first off i want to say thank you very much to all of you who are supporting me and my quit.
hwc, you get a paragraph all to yourself. i'm not giving you the satisfaction of a tri-fecta, mostly because i see others have done that for me 🙂 but yes i did quit for 24 hours earlier this week, i didn't "reward" myself by having a cigarette... or four- i just realized that cold turkey didn't work for me. i'm not using patches or the gum either, i'm doing it all by myself like a big girl! i'm really happy that you care enough about me to dis me, but some of the other members on this site are right... you do beat the dead horse. and just for your information... my quit date has always been july 17th, i haven't moved it back since i began. now i'm not arguing your information or your form of support, i'm just saying if you don't want to support the way that i want to do it, i'd rather not hear from you at all. thanks, i hope you can understand.
as i said, everybody else... thanks so much 🙂
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by the way, thanks Cindy, if i mess up... please don't kick my butt too hard!
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Thank you.
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Way to go Leanna your on the rite path just think every time you smoke why and when keep working on your triggers
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You are doing grrrrrreat! You are woking the program. 4 cigs a day before quit date is awesome! Do what works for you! Most of us joined become an Ex because of " Re learning life without Ciggarettes" Not to argue over wich method is the best. You keep working on those triggers, and separating. I know you will succeed!
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keep it up girl and you'll be smoke free on your quit date. We each do what works for us. I couldn't taper, being an all or nothing kinda gal.
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