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Give and get support around quitting



Smoked my last cig 15 min ago. For the past few days, I was so disgusted but kept going, inhaling this stench and breathing like a sick animal. The last few days also gave me this group, so I feel like a have a support group out there, pushing me forward, wishing for me to be free.

It's going to be a crazy week, I am traveling for work and going to be super stressed, and for some reason, I do not fear this challenge, I relish it. I want to be distracted and to be able to go through these days smoke-free. The NOPE and "they travel in packs" phrases are stuck with me, they made me laugh and I think they are so true, and so simple.

I am going to try and not be restless, instead, I will try to enjoy the essence of the coming moments, the conversations, the drinks, the work, without the distraction of having to go outside and feed the monster. I'm going to focus on kindness, listening, smiling, smelling GOOD, I'm going to exercise more, stretch more, stand on my head more. 

I am determined and plan to be grateful for every moment.

I hope the great sadness will not show up this time, and if it will, I will be here, sharing.

Thank you guys, for being here, and making me invincible (I hope).

I'm heading forward, cleaner and stronger.

Wish me luck.


#newbie quitterelvanDaniela2016PRAIRIEROSELADYbrandon-esselbornjake-rock

18 Respuestas

Good for you!!  I like your can do attitude!  You're gonna make it happen!!

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Hello and welcome!;-) 

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That feeling of sadness is a normal reaction by many here.  SMOKING IS MY BEST FRIEND   and /blogs/Joan_01-02-2015-blog/2013/07/31/my-cigarette-my-best-friend   For me it wasn't so much a feeling of losing my best friend, as that of "this is one of the few things that's ALL MINE, that nobody can take  away from me."  Also, that it was one of the few consistent "pleasures" that I had.  Where will the enjoyment be in life if you take away my cigarettes?  "My world will never be the same..."  Etc.  Which is all just brain-programmed hogwash.  How on earth did we manage to live WITHOUT a cigarette before we ever smoked?  The "pleasure" of a cigarette shows itself for the lie it is the moment you manage to quit for a few days and then smoke.  It tastes AWFUL, harsh, the way it really is.  The real pleasure is in taking those 10 minutes to relax, to stop what you're doing, to chat with a friend.  

Yes our world IS different without a cigarette.  And it's a better world.  A better body world, a better mind world and a better spirit world.  We learn so much about ourselves during this quitting process.  It's actually quite a beautiful journey - when you get past the hard part of it.  

Couple that determination with commitment and continuing education and you have a recipe for success.


Very timely for me. Thanks. 

Day 50 and I have a case of the blues;( 

glad to know it's not **me**. Breakups are hard!!

0 Kudos

Traveling without smoking is much easier...really and it sounds like you are really committed.  Stay as close to the site as you can, we all want so much for you to succeed.

I think you are sort of mourning an end to something you used to to...USED to do, something that you turned to, no matter what.  It really never helped you in any are beginning a beautiful journey.

I am really glad that you are here.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Welcome and congrats on your quit.  I noticed you mentioned brandon-esselbornjake-rock.  Are these influential people you know in real life? They seem to have been around here a while but don't have any content..

EX Community Manager

EX Community Admin Team
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There is a great blog out there for our new quitters. You may also want to check out posts in‌.  We are here to help you on this journey to freedom!  


Welcome!  I know when I first found this site which happened to be on Day One of my quit, many Elders told me to read read read….and I did.  Elders are those with one or more years of being quit.  If you like what someone has to say, then you may want to read their blogs.  I have some listed below.


A list of our Elders  ELDER'S LIST


So here's the thing.....and you may not like what I am about to say....and that's ok.  I get it.  You need to accept that this is an addiction.  Before you do that, it will be much more difficult to quit and stay quit. 


Read read read.  Do the steps to PREPARE yourself to quit.  Do the steps so you are PREPARED on quit day and for the days AFTER quit day.  


Some of the things I read in my first few days that helped me:

Dale’s Welcome to New Members My Welcome To New Members (10 Years Of Watching) Nancy’s Blog /blogs/Youngatheart.7.4.12-blog/2013/02/25/100-things-to-do-instead-of-smoke?sr=search&searchId=f568...


JonesCarpeDiem Dale’s Blog /blogs/jonescarp.aka.dale.Jan_2007-blog/2011/06/26/what-to-expect-in-the-first-four-months?sr=search...


JACKIE1-25-15  gave me the link to Alan Carr’s book, “Easy Way to Quit Smoking”.  I actually didn’t read the online PDF, but purchased a book on CD from Amazon and listened to it in my car over and over again for the first two weeks of my quit. 


Keep this site close and keep posting and asking for help.  You will get it.  You will get things you like and things you don't like, but don't give up!!!  We have been through similar experiences and can share our strength and hope.  We are here to support you!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Congrats on starting your quit journey and tagging the post thedayiquit! If you see others starting their quit journey, encourage them to do the same.  To read others' DAY 1 quit journeys go here


EX Community Manager

EX Community Admin Team
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popped in tonight to see how things are going????????????????

having some trouble keeping up around here. Can't imagine how crazy 

when punching a time clock. Must be one of the few perks of being your own  boss?

Prairie 38 DOF

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