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Give and get support around quitting


cant wait to quit, hope i get enough support, i dont have good will power

My name is amanda. i have a 20 month old daughter and this is my third time trying to quit smoking. but it is my first time using a website or other sources to help me out. so im hoping i wont give in after my quit date. most of all i want to quit for myself and i also want to quit so my daughter doesnt think its ok when she gets older. the hardest part is hearing people tell me all the "facts" about smoking like i dont already know them, and it just makes me wanna smoke right then, im not good at handling people telling me what to do, or telling me things i already know that the whole world knows. so this is going to be challenging but i am ready for it.

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3 Replies

Congrats on taking the first step towards quitting!  Whether you have quit, set a quit date or are just thinking about it, that's a big step.  I know what you mean about people telling you the facts about quitting smoking, I used to hear the ads on the radio about the dangers of smoking, and I would turn down the volumn, and then light a cigarette!  I myself smoked for 7 years, quit for 4, started smoking again (that whole just one won't hurt mentality) and only quit 19 days ago after for smoking for 3 years.  Good luck with quitting, and remember, you can do this!

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You seem like a really strong person.  You will do just fine and you sound like you already know what you need to do.  I am on my 4th day and it is getting better and better.  I actually surprised myself and never expected in the back of my head to make it this far.  Your daughter is lucky to have a mother like you.  Keep up the good work and remember we are all in it together!!!

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Hey Amandda,

i hear you!  I'm 37 & I've been smoking (between regularly & "socially") for over 20 years.  I have little to no will-power myself and I agree with you -- the more people nag me or I actually talk about quitting, the more i want a cigarette.  ESPECIALLY if someone tells me not to have one (guess it's still my 15 year old rebel speaking out).

I wish I had some magic tricks to make it easier, but clearly I don't, and I'm in the same boat.  I can however, say congratulations on saying it out loud, being brave enough to take that first step again & wish you (and all of us in this boat) the best of luck. I truly believe that if a person REALLY wants to quit, they can make it happen. 

I'm also pretty competitive, so I try to look at it and say "well if they've gone 3 days, I'm going to go 4!" or kind of dare myself NOT to light up.  Sometimes it works better than others, but I figure whatever helps through each craving is a step closer, right?


Good luck, you can do it this time!!  🙂

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