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Give and get support around quitting


any advise on quitting?

I slipped up after about 8 hours! I feel pretty stupid for that but I am NOT giving up!!
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15 Replies

"Life's's even tougher if you are stupid." John Wayne
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"Life's's even tougher if you are stupid." John Wayne
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You GO, Jacci....I don't think Ex Admn. moderates this site...they need to be told. And I have done so many times. We need to let them know how she is twisting the message of this site to be her OWN message, and she is driving people away.....

I've been reading your comments here...I need to get to your page.....Thanx!!!
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we are all about quit smoking tobacco, nothing else is on this site that i have ever seen, back in the day i did smoke anything and it just never seemed to do all that the nicodemon did, at any rate,i do not smoke any thing now, thanks to every one that has not been (holier than thou) and so important to themselves first. if that was all we saw, i am sure that we would all still be smokers peace!
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It happens. I've done that before. The only way I'm getting by right now is with the lozenges. Wow! Lemme tell ya, todays day one, by now I would of gone crazy but three of these puppies since 7am has kept me cool. I'd look into it. I've tried the gum but there's a special way to chew it, I'm not too good at remembering that so I chose the Loz. On the patch I ended up smoking as well so that was no help, but this stuff really is working. During each of my breaks I kept having to remind myself, You are quitting, look you are walking this fast for this long and you aren't even winded. Just remind yerself of why yer quitting, and look into some of the stop smoking aids. 🙂 Good luck Mike.
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You are not stupid Mike, you are learning about yourself and this addiction. As long as you re-group and go again, you will win !!! You are on the right path. Great job so far !
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