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Give and get support around quitting


addiction is genetic

One of my friend, (who hate smokers) argues that smoking addiction comes from genes and dna.

Is it true?

I gone through this link : 

Appreciate views and other answers to the questions.

thank you.

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12 Respuestas

green1611 Hi I know it is an addiction...not sure that is comes from genes, etc., but I know I got to the point that sometimes I didn’t enjoy a smoke, but did it to feed my crave and get my that is an addict...your friend sounds not doesn’t matter what they think, it is what you know and that you are doing something about it.............Quitting...Colleen 399 DOF 


absolutely !! thanks


Nature vs Nuture.  Are we addicted because of DNA or because we were around smokers? 

There has been strong evidence that addictive behavior is, in part, because of genetics.  That applies to alcoholics, drug addicts, and smokers.

However, addiction can hit anybody, regardless of their DNA.


Keep the Quit

thanks..quite interesting !

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Seems this study was conducted in 1998 (hard to ascertain for certain) and I think the research has evolved since then.  We KNOW that cigarettes were designed to send nicotine to the survival brain sensors, and that the addiction evolves from that hit of dopamine. 

Cell phone (and Facebook) apps were also designed with these dopamine sensors in mind.  It's why use of them has become addictive for many.  I see folks all the time walking their dogs, crossing the street, driving a car, while continuing use.  Not quite as dangerous, perhaps, but dangerous nonetheless.

The DNA angle might explain the rare person who only smokes when out bar-hopping, or only when they first awaken.  I have no other explanation as to why their use doesn't escalate like the rest of us.

DNA also doesn't address those who use cigarettes (or any drug) to self-medicate for mental illness.

I'm just not sure we were doomed by our DNA to become addicted to nicotine.  it will be interesting to see what research going forward might show.

I hope your friend develops an empathy bone!


thank you. Appreciate your views. It could be good to check maternal and paternal family tree and smokers.. might give some answers to ourselve. I will find out more on psychology research on DNA.

Yes, I explained to my friend...whole thing from smoke getting into lungs till how people crave. Do not confuse the entire world!...

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I've known people who can smoke occasionally and never get addicted, so who knows? But does it matter, really?


thanks.  question is in relation to how quit project turns out to be? few come out from addiction somehow...many struggle in. 


few come out from addiction...

I doubt that, but many addicts have to try several times before they get into steady recovery. 

Hereditary? Not likely. Ur, well, look at this factoid from the net--and let's assume that is fairly true:

It has been estimated that 40–60% of the vulnerability to developing an addiction is due to genetics.

So the answer is yes, no and maybe. It's not 100% true, it's an estimate, and it's about vulnerability not an absolute addiction rule engraved in the mind. 

Your chances of recovery are made stronger by sticking with support, seek to be inspired by those who are making it, and see your own progress and potential. 

Smobriety can be intoxicating and addictive, fortunately it is not a distructive attachment.