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ZYN Nicotine Withdrawal

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I wanted to see if anyone had experience with quitting ZYN Nicotine Pouches. I would imagine the journey would be similar to quitting cigarettes, but who knows??


I am 27 and have chewed the 6mg pouches for 2 - 3 years and typically have 3 to 6 a day (18 to 36 mg of nicotine per day on average). It has been about a week since my last one. I never got into smoking and only occasionally chewed red man before these things came around... but after I was introduced to ZYNs, they made my desk job much more enjoyable and I just kept 'em coming!


The symptoms I've had along with some questions are:

   Brain fog (Extreme!) - This was the one i became most concerned with since I didn't associate the extreme fog with quitting these pouches. After reading up on many blogs, it sounds like this can be a pretty intense experience?


   Weakness - This one kind of ties into the brain fog feeling... but I have felt generally weak as well in my body. When it's at it's worst, it feels like my head is faint and my body is drained... but I can also be restless at the same time. I feel like I want to pass out but also run around?! Very weird. The faint feeling is nothing extreme, but it's the only way I can describe the sensation.


   Sleeping trouble - I have been getting to bed fine, but when I wake up in the morning, it is very difficult to fall back asleep and sometimes I feel like my heart is racing. I don't feel like I'm craving anything while laying there. Has anyone else experienced this anxiety/racing feeling after waking up?


   Loss of appetite - This one is different than the majority of things I've read. I have felt like my stomach is cramped up and I generally haven't had a great appetite. The best way I can describe the feelings I get in my gut include intense cramping and just a feeling of your stomach being generally unsettled. I haven't had issues with nausea or anything like that. Has anyone had this experience?


In addition to this, my wife and I are having our first kid and I believe that some of these symptoms could also be a result of increased stress and anxiety associated with that. 


Any answers, experiences, thoughts, solutions are much appreciated! 



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39 Respuestas

Tomorrow is end of my first week ZYN free and it has been a real struggle.  Wow.  I have had many of the same withdraw symptoms as you and the brain fog has been very real and it was not anticipated.  I just feel like I am kind of fumbling around and stuck in first gear all the time.  I have been very irritable, way more than usual and that makes this process even more frustrating.  Additionally, my sleeping patterns have become very erratic.  I am waking up a random times in the middle of the night, usually between 2:30-4:00.  I read somewhere that week 1 is hell week, week 2 is heck week and the rest is down hill, as long as I stay focused.  I'm looking forward to heck week.  This has been much more difficult than I expected.  Feeling a little defeated but I know I can do it.  YOU CAN TOO!


anelson1843    This  post is a little old.  I hope someguy is still on the journey and will respond.


A lot of what you’re experiencing sounds like my nicotine withdrawal symptoms. One that I mostly feel is the fog in my head. Kind of dizzy, lightheaded. I do feel very tired. My stomach does at times feel a little cramped not not significant. I do feel like some allergy or cold coming on like feeling. My nose feels stuffed up and I have no sense of smell or taste. This is new. Started yesterday. I’m not day 10. Wondering when it’ll all go away. You hang in there. I hope your symptoms will start to ease. 


Just starting the process by paring down until the 14th of Sept when I quit.    I hope it all goes well.   


I fell off the wagon for a bit and I am on day 2 of kicking ZYN to the curb(again).  Feel like a failure and I am having all of the withdraw symptoms I had the first time.  I keep trying to rationalize a reason for having one.  This sucks but I know I can make it. 

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@anelson1843 You're not a failure.  You're addicted to nicotine and you're doing what it takes to break it's hold on you.  Have you read material on the site?  Learning about nicotine addiction and having  a quit plan, has led to success for many of us.  And reaching out for support from fellow quitters before you use, not after, has kept many of us on track during those rough times.

This link is a great place to start with tools to use, triggers, creating new association to replace nicotine, etc.

We're here for you, so reach out when you need us.  

Stay busy and stay close.




Thank you! 


Hey man I did a can and a half of zyns a day. people say that nicotine withdrawal is 2 weeks, it’s not. This is going to be a big problem when people quit these Pouches because it is a ridiculous amount of nicotine, amounts that haven’t been studied yet. I quit cold turkey 5 months ago and have been getting mentally wrecked since then. Never had any anxiety or depression, I am diagnosed with severe adhd and that definitely plays a role. But I get it brother these have been the hardest times of my life and I wish this on no one. It really really sucks and there needs to be more information out there. Stay strong!

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@Dylanfoster Welcome to the Ex.  Congrats on 5 months of success.   Quitting can be harder for some than others--I'm happy you're hanging in there. 

I hope @anelson1843 is still on his journey.

Stick  around to share your experience and support with your fellow quitters.

Stay busy and stay close.


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Although a couple of us saw your response I fear most in the community may not.  To remedy that, I recommend you write a blog to introduce yourself to the community (Ex Community-top left; then center blue box-"Post a Journal/Blog").  You might include your Zyn history, why you wanted to quit, your quit date and anything else about yourself you care to share.  You will reach a wider audience this way.

I look forward to seeing you there!



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