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Give and get support around quitting


You guys were right, I was right, I'm done

So I had good ideas and useful background and waded into this like I had it wired. Many kind people let me be myself and gave me encouragement. Something that I really needed and still do. I was on week two and making good progress.  I checked on some of the kind people who offer support and there was a tag for a book about the easy quit. I read and skimmed my way through most of the book and agreed with the guy almost 100% which I never do.  He is right, the physical withdrawal from nicotine is benign and essentially NOT THE PROBLEM.  The problem is the brainwashing and mental and emotional garbage rolling around in my head and the resultant stupid decisions. Anyhow, two days ago at about 10:30PM I had my last smoke. I gave away the rest of my squares, lighters and threw away all the ashtrays.  He was also right about needing the resolve and being in the frame of mind to take charge. When I finished the book I was sufficiently pissed off at the tobacco companies, doctors who want to transfer the addiction elsewhere, inhaler shops who don't know how dangerous that crap is yet and couldn't care less, and a bunch of other people too. Not sure who they were but I was fired up.   Anyhow, the waiting for a smoke. changing my fun time and limiting what and when I could do things I liked were just too much punishment and none of us deserve to put ourselves through all these hoops.  As addictive as nicotine is, its not an uncomfortable withdrawal. The extra oxygen is a fun high for real and legal so that is actually pretty fun. I use the extra energy to review how P.O.ed I am about the whole smoking thing. Its a joke and if we weren't brainwashed into believing that quitting is SO Hard, There would  be more success.  Read Allen Carr's Easy Way to stop smoking. If it doesn't fire you up, then you are just a much nicer person than me. Actually, you probably are a nicer person than me.  

14 Respuestas

I read the book twice. The first time, I was about 3 weeks into me quit too, and it fired me up. I filled off my patch and went cold turkey from there. That quit lasted a year, then I landed in the mental hospital for suicidal ideation. They let patients smoke there and it was something to do. I've been smoking for a year, until this quit. 

I reread the book hoping for the same fire, but i never got it. 

So I'm using the patch again. I keep relapsing  ( not anymore this is it). 

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 "Don't worry be happy" Becca, the book helped me but the "EASY Way " is not the easiest way for all of us quitters stick with the patch and the process will help get you where you want to be ......FREE ! If you have any questions about the patch feel free to message me .

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I came here back in March having decided to quit and knew I needed support. It was suggested I read Allen Carr's book as well, and it made all the difference for me. Though I still decided to use an NRT (guess it gave me some buffer - the doctor really wanted me to use and NRT and Wellbutrin), it made me realize that giving up smoking is not giving up ANYTHING!! There is only positive gains to be had! Yes there has been a lot of brainwashing about smoking and quitting - I would say that a lot of it is because so many people try to quit who are not mentally prepared for it. The last time I quit - I didn't do it for the right reasons (which is basically - you have to do it for yourself!) and I fought it the whole time.

Anyway, congratulations on quitting - be sure to change your quit date!

It's great to be FREE!!



So true. Glad we all here!

0 Kudos

I credit that book with opening my eyes - and yes it made ME mad, too - AND I also give it and the community credit for my successful quit!

So glad you took the recommendation to read it!



Awesome on quitting before your quit date!  After I read that book and another one, and all the info on here, it just no longer made sense to smoke anymore!   I though those #$J#$#, they really had me fooled, and I also always heard how hard it was to quit, yes it is difficult and uncomfortable, but doable !  But I haven't looked back, I'm at just over a month now! And loving it! Keep it up! 


Congratulations, you are headed in the right direction.  Keep on the journey because it does not only begins. 


Great attitude! The best quit tool you have is the one between your ears. The book is good and there are plenty of other good resources


That book cemented my quit after about 3 weeks into it. I would recommend it to anyone who smokes.