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Give and get support around quitting


Yet, another new member saying hi

Hi all my over 50 friends. I'm 57, took an early retirement as a photo/journalist from a newspaper and chewed nicotine gum for 19 years after I quit smoking.

My quit date is Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras) whatever that date is...I live in Louisiana and there's always a festival of some kind so I quit counting. So far, nicotine free. I do miss it sometimes but read where nicotine creates pathways through our brains that eventually close. Then, the mental cravings will disappear.

Anyway, nice to meet all of you and I'm looking forward to some happy chats.
Etiquetas (1)
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12 Respuestas

Well...Hi there !!!! Photobucket

Where did you get such an ID name ??? I have seen you here and there, and you cracked me up !!!!

So far, nicotine free - cool !! You chewed nicotine gum for 19 years ???? 19 YEARS !!!!???

Hope to see more of you here, Jamie....and again...Welcome !!!
0 Kudos

Hi Okrafeet, Welcome to the group! You will find allot of support and many friends here!

0 Kudos

Hello Okrafeet and welcome to the group. Looking forward to communicating with ya!
0 Kudos

Nice to see you in the group. Many good friends here to give support, encouragement and lots of info on site to help with your nicotine free journey..
0 Kudos

Great to have you in this group! I have been sick and just trying to catch up. Did I see correctly, nicotine gum for 19 years???? Well, it is really and always nice to have someone new to our group and we hope that you will stop by daily just to say hello, if not anything more!!! Thanks again for joining us over 50's!
0 Kudos

i keep thinking im getting addicted to these lozenges cause i chewed that damn gum for about 6 mos till i realized i was hooked an d had to do something about it . did you give it up for lent or what just tired of chewing dont know when i can get rid of these lozenges i find myself reaching for one when i need a boost or under some kind of stress guess its better than a cigarette had a dr. tell me once years and years ago that nicotine wasnt any worse than caffine and we all gotta have that any way glad to met you sorry im a chatterbox have a peaceful but fun week peace and love
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0 Kudos

please tell me more about the brain pathways that close and make mental cravings disappear. i'd like to know more about this. i'm using the patch and the gum. i'll be going off the patch in about 10 days. then, i'll probably chew the gum for a while after that. but at the high price of the gum, i want to go off it sooner than later. thanks for your help.
0 Kudos

good luck in your quit! by the way love boiled okra lol! wish I had these boiled up right now w/S&P
Okra Pictures, Images and Photos
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! good
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