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Wondering what the first drink will be like

Okay everyone, I am a beer guy. I am wondering what the first drink without the white cylindrical friend will be like?! I know that will be my biggest problem, but if I can have a coldy and not smoke then I believe I have won.

Anyone have any tricks of the trade for this type of thing?
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6 Replies

I've been having the same problem. I've been drinking a beer and hold a straw in my hand and fighting the urge to drink. Then when I am finished with my beer I wait for a few minutes until the urge leaves. By doing this I try to break my old habits. so far it's been working but it's been hard. I'm thinking of giving beer up to help me quit smoking. But I think you have to find out what works best for you. Does that help at all?
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i went to my first smoky bar a couple of weeks ago in florida - it was very hard - it seemed like everyone was smoking

i did not get drunk because i knew i would probably bum a cigarette from someone
i left after an hour
luckily i live in ny and we cannot smoke in bars so the temptation is less
i assume you can still smoke in texas bars - stay away for a while
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This is what i am worried about too. Beer and cigarettes go hand in hand for me, so I'm kinda scared as to what its going to be like. If it comes down to it I guess I'll have to give up the beer as well.
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sunflower seeds, what a good way to do this - I haven't had a drink since Valentines day (My quit date) so I was wondering how to handle this one 😉
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I went to a bar last night for a birthday drink with friends. I was very afraid that I was going to want to smoke. Oddly enough it did'nt bother me at all. Now we did order wings, so my hands were full the entire time we were there 🙂 I had two beers .

Stay focused tell yourself as your going in all the reasons why you are now a non-smoker!

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how's it going
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