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Give and get support around quitting


Any help you could give would be great IM TERRIFIED!

Smokin since 15, full time pack a day since 18. Im 34 It's time I know. I feel it. Ive tried before but never lasted longer than a week or two. (last time with Chantix)

I cut back im down 4-5 cigarettes from a pack a day. i am eating everthing. Help. My jeans are already feeling tighter than normal. I can only imagine what the chantix is doing to my stomach! Quit date is April 28 what can i expect in terms of withdrawl? I know it gets worst before it gets better. I would like to be prepared.
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1 Reply

Hey there,

Mine was pretty bad (at first) with the nicotine lozenge even. The first couple of days I had really, REALLY high energy levels and insomnia, nervousness, irritability. I wish I could tell you it'll be easy but you know I'd be lying. I am an absolute sloth and I started walking every night to try and deal with the cravings. All I can say is that you've got to deal with them one at a time. You can't hope for more than that. I am on day 11 now and it has gotten a little easier to manage every day. Good luck to you.
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