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Give and get support around quitting


Will it ever get easier??

Well today has marked my 1 week & 2 days smoke free!
im so proud of myself, but my brain is eating me alive, i've been so bitter to my family/boyfriend/boss' (not good)
any words of encouragment would really help me!
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9 Replies

ashley, I get it!! I am only on day 3 and have had a tantrum every day since. the first day i went for a drive by myself and had some scream therapy (everyone driving by must have thought I was whack, but whatever.) the next day I locked my self in my bathroom and did it again. For some reason talking to myself and yelling it out seemed to help a lot. I have also heard that St. John's Wort ( a natural mood equalizer) is very helpful. I have seen it at whole foods/vitamin cottage. Nevertheless, do not give up! You do not want to go through all this again do you??good luck
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i totally have to agree with you there, talking to myself seems to get rid of my cravings, now screaming to myself.. now thats just something im going to have to try to get rid of all this stress. thank you so much!
i wish you the best of luck in your quitting!
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you will be fine, and your family and boyfriend will forgive you. The first weeks are hard, and you need to focus on the goal.

I have been quit for 167 days! My husband still loves me after all the beating on him I did early on. I was the queen bee for a few weeks
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Hang on in there! I quit 10 months ago and I must say that I even found the first 6 months a living hell, not only the first weeks. It will gradually get better though. My motivation to stay quit was a harsh one: I have family members who had strokes because of years and years of smoking, drinking, not exercising and not watching their weights. Maybe that is motivation enough, as cruel as it sounds. You don't want to get a stroke! So don't light up! And reward yourself for every day that you didn't smoke. Reward yourself with books, perfume etc. - you are doing a great job and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Every day is a victory over nicotine!!
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Hey Ashley,

Congratulations on the quit! You are well into it and doing great. I know how hard it is these first few weeks, it is especially hard to be pleasant sometimes......all I can say is that rather then focusing your thinking on your ex friend nic you need to be very deliberate in how you act around others. I know it is hard but it gives us all something to do rather then smoke. I take a lot of deep breathes and think before i speak. This will all pass and you will be your old self or should I say a new and improved self. Free from being a slave to cigs and on your way to a happier healthier life.

You can do this!! Rock the quits!


Susan - Free and Healing for One Month, Twenty Seven Days, 23 Hours and 5 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 3 Days and 16 Hours, by avoiding the use of 1061 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $305.87.
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Congrats ashley, you've taken the biggest step so keep up the good work. I agree with Kozmik Burd. Do anything except pick up that first cig. I quit 120 days, 2,400 cigs and $420 days ago. It is horrible at first. The desire will be frequent and strong but I promise you that the cravings will ease. With my personalty I am doomed to forever wanting a smoke. I am confident now I won't smoke again.
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YES, YEA AND YES it will get easier as each day passes. I formerly detested the phrase "one day at a time" but truer words were never uttered. Maybe it should be "one minute or hour at a time" when you first attempt to quit.

I'm in my 4th month as an EX and my urges to smoke are as little as once or twice a day to a max of a dozen times a day if I'm having a bad day. Regardless, the urges only last a few seconds. Peace
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As long as the filter is not attached to tobacco you should be fine!!! Hang in there - he will understand!

Good Luck!!!
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aloha ashley, yes it does get better, really it does. the first 2 weeks are a real bear. but stay committed to your task. your body is cleansing itself. its just hard. reward yourself as often as you can, maybe a new manicure or a pedi, some new lipstick. try to change your mind set and think positive good things that helps alot. you are doing great
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