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Give and get support around quitting


Why now?

Today will be my 14th day without a cigarette. Why am I craving them SO MUCH? I woke up and immediately wanted one, then I realized I didn't do that anymore and felt bummed out.I hurried and put a patch on my arm and stuck a mini mint in my mouth. This is the first time of the 14 days that I am really feeling the urge. As I type this I am taking deep slow breaths. I know this virus thing is on my mind. I am thankful I do not smoke anymore. Just want to put this out there for anyone to support me. Thank you, Karen

38 Replies

Good for you! Hope you are doing well! I am on day 54 now. Yes, the book helped, along with alot of the info on this site. I like the exercises in the book- helps to understand yourself better!  I hope it helps you as well!


Think of that baby that dropped it's Binky. Lol. Part of it is just that. A comfortable place that has become part of your routine. Certainly the urge or crave for nicotine is a real part of the quit and that will pass much quicker than the mental addiction. Triggers will be there for a long time and it's almost ridiculous. I have a brother in law that quit 35 years ago who told me he still has them. Don't forget the reasons you chose to become a nonsmoker. I just think about how happy I am to beat myself at this. It's a good thing you have done for yourself. Be generous in the self talk! Congratulations! 


Quit 10 Jan 2020. Using nicotine lozenges and feeling foggy, antsy, but I thought I was "OK". Whatever that is.

Woke up today and found a cigarette butt on the kitchen table.

Note under it from my wife said she found it in the newspaper box.

I freaked out. That's disgusting. I want to smoke. I cleaned the house and am tobacco-free 6 months. The butts are out to get me! ARRGH, I want a smoke!

I've been freaked-out all day. Can't make sense of what I try to read, either mystery stories or Carolyn's How To Quit Smoking... book.

I'm better this evening. But a heck of a wake-up call.


You are done with those nasty things. Imagine smelling like that. Nope- Not One Puff Ever!. You have come so far, temptations will still appear time to time.You defeated it - Good for you! I hope you are stronger today. It may be time to slowly cut back on the lozenges to help avoid the antsy feelings


How are you doing this morning PRR-ex? you are doing this quit and you're doing it one precious Smokefree Day at a time or hour minute or even a second at a time and that's super fantastic it's going to take time to relearn life without the smokes BUT boy oh boy it's so worth it you've got this....


And ask your wife kindly to put any new butt discoveries in the TRASH!


> 3 weeks ago How are you doing this morning PRR-ex?

As Karen said: it was time to get OFF nicotine. That stuff really messes with your emotions and judgement. And I have been "on" nicotine all my life (since birth really). I was sucking lozenges while I dimmed the "smoking habit": setting fire to a weed, sucking it.... But I was still using and addicted to nicotine.

I stopped that day. I put all my "NRT" (ha! it's not therapy) in the trash. Getting chemically clean was NOT all as bad as my nic-perverted body was trying to tell me. 48-72 hours and there's less than a ppm trace left in your system. I'm uncomfortable having to think for myself instead of letting the chemical tell me what to think. But logically it is better, and my emotions are starting to come around.


I will send you a copy of the QUIT KIT...  cravings cannot hurt you!  It means that you are NOT satisfying the addiction and you are a winnner!


Sorry I did not realize this post was months ago...  You can find my Blog in my file.  If not, message me and  will send it to you via private message...