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Why can't I have just one a Month? Please....

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C'mon! Just one a Month! Surely I can sneak one on a special occasion? What's the harm? Less is better than more, right? I need some real answers to this question - not just beliefs, please! Just one rule - be nice!

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42 Replies

It really was my dream to become a social smoker one who could  just smoke once in awhile and I tried it a number of times but every time I ended up right back to full time smoking and not after awhile but immediately ! I am an addict and i cannot trust myself to even take one puff ! 

Now I know it is just a fantasy and one I was  willing to give up in order to keep my quit ! Try it if you want to find out for yourself because as long as you are living in that dream I do not think you will stay quit  for long . 

Hahaha I just realized who asked the question but my answer is still the same !


One cigarette or even just a couple of drags would totally screw up a perfectly beautiful quit and for what???? Coughing, choking and nearly horking up a lung and possibly both just for a disgusting cancer stick!!!!! Life as an Ex Smoker is absolutely the only life worth living!  thanks Thomas.


Thomas3.20.2010‌ Great question, there is not enough room for me to list all of the reasons why NOT.  WHY would anyone WANT to go through withdrawal all over again and again and again? COPD is bad enough, lung cancer is always lurking in the wings.  I know that it is very likely that my cause of death will be related to smoking...either respiratory failure or cardiac failure but I will be damned if I am going to give another cent or another breath to a tobacco company.  That's one failure that I never intend to repeat.  

I know you are just trying to make our brains work and our commitments stronger.  My son told me that a coworker is one of those people who can smoke now and then, he has no addiction issues.  Hmmmm, wonder why he smells so strongly of alcohol ALL the time.  I think addiction is a horrible disease and I DO believe it is a disease, I also believe that it is nearly invariably fatal.  If you want to commit suicide, there are faster and more honest ways.  Just my "humble" opinion.



I have to quote what I've heard here -

"There's no such thing as one, they travel in packs."

I should know - how many times have I traveled down that road...



Barbara145‌  I'm sure our dear friend is asking this with a twinkle in his eye knowing that this is the "rationalization" of everyone on the verge of quitting...."but can't I just have one?"  Seems harmless right? Wrong. I actually started smoking again after 13 years because of breaking the just one rule.

Stressful time (translation-excuse)...... had one (just one, oh only one, just to get me through this day). I certainly won't buy a pack!

Next day---almost at the exact same time---no real stress at this point but still...WOW that one was great (seriously???) No, of course not. It was the newly revived receptors thinking....we have her now!

And they did. Soon, feeling embarrassed about asking people for just one.....I bought a pack. But, of course I told myself----I will make this pack last 20 days.....just one a day. That can't be bad, right?"

Next day I had three but told myself I would not have one for the next two days to "catch up" on my rationing.

And so it went.Did not take long to be back up to two packs a day.

This is a TRUE story. It should NOT discourage anyone from quitting. It should encourage people to quit with the right information and the right mind set. Never, never, never let yourself think you are "giving up" something. You are freeing yourself from a deadly addiction. You should never "miss smoking". You are so very lucky you quit.

And...happy this quit...I don't have to avoid the thoughts of "just one". I don't want one.......ever.

Stay Strong


Wow Sootie....that's eeerey....sort of anyway.  Your story and mine are very much the same thing.  I can soo sooo relate to it all.  Thanks for sharing has to help others....and one thing is for and I both know that it helps us to write about it once in awhile.  Lest we never forget just how fragile our quits can be if we aren't diligent.



Is this a test Thomas?   What day of the month are you planning on....and go crazy just waiting for that day of each month to arrive...this isn't April fools day!   It is a fantasy pipe dream.   You know darn addict can EVER smoke again and bring nicotine back into their system...


One equals all. 

I've had years of quit time before, complete freedom. I relapsed a little over two years ago. Never thought I would be struggling the way I am now, a chronic relapser. The "just one" myth has contributed to my relapses. Forgetting the Law of Addiction, subconsciously, I believed I could quit any time I want. That is not the case. One puff reactivates the addiction. Truth is I don't know how long I will have to smoke again if I ever puffed another cigarette. 


Thomas, my Friend, 

The answer to your question is a resounding "YES"! You are a grown man with resources to acquire 1 Cigarette a month and smoke it on a special occasion! So "YES" you can do that!

Unfortunately, most Question have answers that lead to another question! So let"s think this the rest of the way out!

Second Question! Can you Smoke JUST one cigarette a month? I doubt it! I don't know anyone who can!

Third Question! Why would you want to smoke one a month! Do you want to live every 30 days for that one 6 minutes??

Fourth Question! If you became the only person on the planet capable of this feat, where is your reward? What would you be proudest of? What good will you have done for your fellow man?

Yikes,, before Pops jumps on his hog and tracks me to the ends of the Earth just to kick me broadside I had better tell you: No. my Quit Journey is firm! The reason for the question is with so many new Quitters it seems that the N.O.P.E. is more dogma than Fact! Many folks come here believing that they can rein in on their "bad habit" but want to make a deal with the Devil! It's all part of the natural process of Smoking Cessation - bargaining! When we get it through our heads that no means zero, it makes our Quits more solid!

Thank You everybody for participating so generously with your heartfelt comments!