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Why are the cravings worse when I get to the third day

I can make it to the third day then I fail

21 Replies

Let yourself go through your emotions , I used the nicotine patches and without them,I'm not sure i would have quit , but what i did do was let myself feel these emotions and writing my feelings down helped me so very much ,I downloaded a writing app and even though it's been over a year since I quit ,I still look back at those writings, it really helps me to see the pain I had to go through while quitting and I never want to go back there. This page was also my lifeline ,I read and asked questions answered questions and I wasnt alone!!!!! You can get through your 3rd day, you have to want it bad enough!!!!!! Do you? You can do this!!!!


Sister 5,   I am on day 27, and they keep getting a smidgen' easier each day.  Day 5 thru 10 I think were the days of my toughest cravings, but I'm here and thrilled.  Smoked from the age of 15 thru 65.  If you totaled up all the attempted quit days I've probably smoked for 47 - 48 years.  What a shameful waste of my health.  😞  But I figure every day I move forward smoke free I'm gaining back some time.  Works for me.  Also, after my last smoke of the evening prior to my quit I soaked my remaining smokes at the sink and trashed them. WOW THAT WAS VERY HARD FOR ME TO DO.  Don't give up on yourself, keep at it!  Check out the aids, there is something out there that may help you, use the tools available for your benefit.  I just received Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking book.   Gonna bury my head in it right now.


p.s.  I already feel so much better!