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Give and get support around quitting


Why YOU have decided to QUIT...

Please write some of YOUR reasons to quit smoking once and for all in May 2011!

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6 Respuestas

I have decided to quit once and for all mostly because it's so detremental to my health! My lungs are making such strange sounds especially when I try to sleep. I have to cough and clear my throat so hard and so often it bothers my whole family! I overheard them making fun of the sounds I make due to smoking and it really bothered me. Not because they were making fun of me but because they are correct, I sound like a freight train. I have been ignoring the effects of smoking way too long & I am, with the help of, my family and other same minded people I meet in this group!

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1) Our 5 year old--b/c its a horrible example, I want to stay around for her (or at least not have something that I could have controlled take me away from her) and she made a comment not long ago that about KILLED me---"my friends mommys don't smoke".

2) my Husband...he is in a very high risk category for health problems (diabetes) and smoking. If I stop he will.

3) Exhaustion...I am sick of being tired, worn out and unmotivated. I quit cold turkey 7 years ago and I know how good it felt--energy returned, I felt pretty, my skin looked great. Sleeping was better.

4) Smoking is a hassle. Do we have enough? Who is going to stop and pick them up? Where are we going to go sneak off to and smoke if we are somewhere where smoking isnt ok

5) the cost! Each month the go up. There is a lot we could be doing with that money both of us suck up.

Thats just a few.

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How are you doing, 2smoove?

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Hi ALL May quitters, I'm NEW to this group and GLAD to be a part of it!!! My quit date is on May 30Th this month. After 4 quit attempts I realize now I am FINALLY ready...I think I would have been successful the last time but did NOT have a more PRIVATE support group like this....PLEASE send me any comments u would like...anything at all...My husband doesn't smoke and IS supportive this time and my "other family members" don't seem to care whether I quit or not....they are just "too buzy", GO FIGURE...anyway my main reasons are 1)MY HEALTH...I still feel healthy at 51 but know major problems are soon to come up...2)I'M SICK of IT!!! the SMELL,the bad taste...3)the MONEY omg...a little over $200.00 a month...could have had a fortune saved up by now...well this is my beginning post   ANd for all that have quit, KEEP up the effort, it is SOO worth it.........sickofit...

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ok so why.  I am new to the too. I have tried many times to quit but never this.  my reasons are just like every one elses.  Its too expensive, I am at a huge risk for breast cancer since my mother is a premetapausal surviver.  I have three Beautiful teenagers and a grandchild.  i am single and smoking smells.  I know how much better I feel with butts out of my life.  I am just trying to take it one hour at a time.  I work night shift so its a challenge to not smoke or drink coffee.  I am on a mission to detox myself and get healthy.  wish me luck.  22 hours and counting!!!! 🙂

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I am on Day 9 and feeling fine!  Quitting because I finally woke up the fact that I'm not getting any younger and I want to be around as long as possible for my son's sake.  He is my motivation--my main man!  Good luck to everybody, and if anyone ever needs a word of encouragement or support, just leave a post.  I have tried quitting twice before in my life, but didn't have this kinds of support systems to keep me going.

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