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Give and get support around quitting


Who is your favorite ACTRESS/ACTOR ?

Thought this may be fun, diversion for the newbies to take mind OFF of smoking  

My all time favorite Actress is hands down Katherine Hepburn.....I absolutely LOVED her and still do. I especially loved her independent ways and style in all directions. And then theres the most wonderful woman I feel God ever created ~Della Reese. WOW....I wished many a times I was her daughter. That woman knew how to show love more than any single human I have ever known. Of course I cannot forget to add our very own Giulia....who has made THE MOST respectable impression on me that continues to grow on me daily....  And shamefully, I forgot to add her to this blog when I first posted it , but not forgotten.....  I gotcha here now!

My favorite Actor is a foursome, lol. Robert Redford ~ Michael Landon and Tom Selleck ~ Denzel Washington~ These guys have heart. ALL with such heartfelt compassion that resonated in them on and off screen.

Okay~ Your turn

88 Replies

Thank you


I disagree with your input.  I do not post often like this. It's really only a diversion for those who are currant members who have shared they need something to dig into as they struggle. Posts like this can help someone going through a bad crave. They did for me over 4 years ago when I for me...they were helpful....and we share on this site, what was helpful in our quits.

We have a saying on this site that perhaps you have not heard of. " Take what you need and leave the rest, someone will always come and take your leftovers'....That being said 99.9% of the information on this site is DIRECTLY related to smoking. 

You have a choice, smoke or not to smoke....and you have a choice as read a blog or not read a blog. Since I made it obvious what the post was about in the header, you could have chosen NOT to read it.

The bottom line is I DO take my quit seriously....I DO support this site and the people running it as well as those that come here for help and support.

I won't take offense to your words but rather I choose to stick around and continue to offer my support to you or anyone who wants it. Lighter hearts are easier to fill....not gonna allow mine to fill be negativity. Have a good day.


I can't copy and paste. There is no reason to take offense to my words. I was responding to the post not you. I see, and I knew I would be soundly and roundly condemned, except for a few. If I had a job, I would probably be fired now. Any way, I made my point and you all are certainly entitled to post what ever you like. Hey! does my diversion get some kudos? 

Community Manager
Community Manager

pgroce‌ You're not condemned,  your opinion is welcomed and encouraged. And there is plenty of space here in this community for conflicting personalities to co-exist.  Previously things were all in a tight space. No doubt, there are some strong personalities and there are some tight-knit relationships as well so the tone can get a little too serious at times but at the end of the day there is an overwhelming sense that everyone wants to help you quit, however that might happen.  This community a beautiful warm quilt of different people and everyone brings some strengths and variety.

This place would be sadly boring if everyone agreed with everyone else. I love that there are differing opinions. It keeps up the plasticity of my mind.  

Please stick around and find a place/places that fit your needs. There are many people here who fit you.

EX Community Manager

pgroce wrote:

I can't copy and paste. There is no reason to take offense to my words. I was responding to the post not you. I see, and I knew I would be soundly and roundly condemned, except for a few. If I had a job, I would probably be fired now. Any way, I made my point and you all are certainly entitled to post what ever you like. Hey! does my diversion get some kudos? 

EX Community Admin Team

YES!!!SO PLEASE STAY AND JOIN US....WE all have the common goal to be /stay smoke free...and we TRULY want to help and support you!!! I am not the least bit offended by your words, just wanted to relate the WHY we sometimes post like this. 

Please don't go. Please stay....but at least tell us who your favorite actor/actress is  I promise to find another way to post these silly things so as not to upset anyone. We are, after , a peaceful community  and we want you to join us!!!


Thanks for this EXcellent diversion Mandolinrain this newby enjoyed the diversion a lot.


Thank you

0 Kudos

I have no problem with humorous diversions on this site.  However when they become more obvious and have more impact, achieve more views and attract more responses and attention than the "on topic" focus of quitting, which is why we're all here - then I think the site it heading in the wrong direction. 

Kristen I don't quite agree with you that it would get boring and monotonous if we only talked about smoking, or rather quitting.  It may be boring to the older "elder" members, but it certainly isn't to the newer ones.  They are hungry to talk about that subject.  In the beginning on this site we had a game room group.  You wanted to hang out and play there, you could.  Personally I think all off-topic subjects should be relegated to a different portion of the site, or perhaps be placed in a particular group.  But given that this new platform has open groups and all blogs and conversation can be seen by anybody, that's not possible.  On the previous platform you had to join the group to participate in the material there.  And we could communicate about our personal "schtuff"  on people's pages.  The entire site wasn't privy to it in the same way it is now.  Now that's no longer possible.

I'm torn.  Because I see the value in diversionary tactics (i.e. helping to get one's mind off smoking thoughts) and I certainly participate in such, but I also understand pgroce 's point of view.  This is a very serious site when it comes to a great plan to help people quit, and a great community of support.  And I understand support comes in all shapes and sizes.  But I would hate to see it become diluted and thus less potent as a quitting tool due to the "social network" aspect of it's transmogrification from the last platform.  Some could just as easily argue that it is the very "social network" part that draws in more members.  So I see the value in both.  But I am finding myself (after having been on this site since it's inception - that's 10 years now) tending to want to spend more time in the social side than the support site.  And I think that's understandable (how many times can you say the same thing) but I don't think that's  good.  And if the "social aspect" were more contained, I might be more apt to head for the support side.  I don't know.  Thinking out loud.  

If I spent as much time offering support to a new member as I did on schmooozing here....but, Kristen, I gotta agree that it's fun to schmooze.  And Missy, obviously it's a great topic of conversation - look at the number of responses and views.  But there is nothing about quitting here.  If I had just joined the site and were looking around and found the topics with the most responses to be not about quitting... I don't know that's I'd hang around.


My feelings are that the way my post was set out that it was obvious that its content was not about smoking so the person reading the list could elect NOT to open it. Big deal over nothing if you ask me, but I will make sure I try to post things like this on the future elsewhere. xoxo 

0 Kudos

"And Missy, obviously it's a great topic of conversation - look at the number of responses and views.  But there is nothing about quitting here."

We can change the title to NON-Smoking Favorite Actress.  Would that be okay?.... teeheehee... Just messing with ya!

I'm going to name another actress I like.... Kate Hudson