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Give and get support around quitting


Where to post

Is this where I should post? I haven't seen much response here since quitting yesterday. I had 2 people come to my page, but otherwise no replies to things I have posted.
Yesterday wasn't too bad of a day, but today I am on edge. I wouldn't even leave at lunch because I didn't trust myself to not stop at the store and buy a pack. I have a massive headache, and am working 2 jobs today.
I am sorry to gripe/complain, but I want to know if I can count on somebody answering my posts when I am in distress.
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21 Respuestas

Thanks Wanda! I am doing better. It bothered me that I posted yesterday in the sept group about it being day 1 and got no response.
I am doing better and bumping along.
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Hi Donna, well I have tried the cinnamon toothpicks and they blistered my mouth. I have also done the straws, but end up chewing and folding them until they are in my mouth completely and I end up choking on them! LOL Regular toothpicks work the best for me and sleep if I could find the time to do that! LOL
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I am so glad you brought this up Myssi! There is way too much attention being paid to non-important things. You are the most important person on this site. All the newcomers are. You deserve the help and respect that you came here for and I'm glad that you're here. Just ignore all the negative comments that you'll see after my reply. I'm here to help you enjoy the freedom of being a non-smoker.
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Hi Myssi,
Yesterday was my quit date too. I can realate to how you are feeling today! I am also feeling really really moody today. I think if you want a larger response that the general blog is the best place to post. I wish you the best of luck! Hang in there...I'm sure this will get easier for us both :O)
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Dear Myssi,
I am fairly new and feeling the same as you. A little confused about where I should be typing and how to communicate with people. Blasting Headaches are what I am experiencing! Up and down is how I am feeling - but this sight has been a great help! I will continue to watch for your postings. Hang in there!!!!! We Just Cannot Smoke! I Quit last week for 3 days , Then went out Friday night - and Slipped up. It took me until yesterday to go forward again - So today is Day 1 for me AGAIN!!!!! It is a battle but please know we are all in this together we can help eachother keep going. I hope your day gets better - ANd that you are able to get the Rest you need.
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Hi Myssi nice to meet you good going on fighting off those craves! Stay strong and positive you are doing great!
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Hi Myssi! I am on Pacific time. I'm working tonight, but I should be home around 3-4am. I check my mail all the time. I hope you're doing okay. Hang in there. You don't have to like the tough part, just do the best you can to get through it.
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Hi Myssi and congrats on your quit. I totally relate to not leaving at lunch- sounds like you are doing a great job.
Hang in there and take care ;0-)
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Hey I hope you are feeling better. Welcome to Ex the people in this community have been great that I have met so far. Sorry you did not get a fast response I know sometimes you just need to talk to someone who understands. I find that sometimes just reading some of the success stories and post with encouragement for others actually can help as well. It truly is right now as it rains outside and my neighbor smokes outside coming through my window and I usually stop smoking after I get home UGGGH but I will not sneak a smoke . Good luck
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Hey Myssi! Just checking in and seeing how you're doing. You're probably asleep right now. I just got home from work. What a crappy night! I should do better tomorrow night since the weekend is here. Did your headache finally leave?
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