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Give and get support around quitting


Where is everyone from?

Where are you from? What time zone are you in? I thought I would have a "buddy" through my non smoking journey, which was my husband, but he bought a pack of cigarettes first thing this morning. I feel very alone at the moment and was hoping to find someone to talk to.

I live in Oklahoma, I am in Central time zone. 

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7 Respuestas

I'm from St. louis and today is my final quit day! it's gonna be hard but i just have to do it I'm a college student who has been smoking less than five years so i know that i need to quit now, I hope your doing well i need some support to because i dont have any friends that smoke to quit with me!

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I am in Tennessee. My quit date is Monday the 10th. I had another anxiety attack today which is part of the reason for quiting. I am sure I am well on my way to COPD since I have been smoking for 40 years. Brittan quit now. 5 years is to much but not as bad as me. Good thing you have no friends who smoke that should actually make it easier since they will encourage you not to smoke and you won't have to go out to smoke on your own while they are still together not smoking. I am willing to be your buddy when I start Monday, or now while I am getting prepared to quit. 

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I am in Indiana. My quit day is in 13 days. It is hard to quit smoking when you got someone in the house smoking. I know! Right now I live with my grandma and she smokes. She said she wont quit smoking,so it is going to be hard for me to quit. PLus being a college student dealing with assignments makes me want to smoke.

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I live in NC. for about 15 yrs but im from Va Beach Va. eastern time zone. dont be discouraged because of your hubby u cant controll his willpower only yours. im on day 4 of my quit and my woman doesnt smoke  so she doesnt understand how hard it really is 2 quit, but i will do it!! i will be your 'buddy' any time you need 2 talk. we will all need a little help now and then!

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I live in Maine, I am on day 14 of being an ex smoker. I live with a smoker and he wants to quit but I do not see it happening. He has been going outside to smoke and my concern is this winter. I dont think he will be so curtious this winter and I hope that smelling it wont make me want to smoke again! I notice that my sense of smell is heightened and I can smell cigs everywhere!

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I live in Central IL....I grew up in the Chicago suburbs. Quit day was June 8 this year.

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I'm from upstate South Carolina. My quit date and smoke-free date is June 20th. Hard to believe 3 weeks now. Positive think and "mind over matter" rules!

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