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Give and get support around quitting


When you first quit, what time was the hardest?

Like the first few days or after that?

16 Respuestas

Thank you. I'm glad I have yall to help me thru this!


It does get easier as you add days.  I remember wanting to yell the word, WHEN?  My first few days were not hard in terms of nicotine withdrawal because I was really sick.  I didn't miss smoking for several days.  I had mood swings that were off the charts, I was easily angered but by the same token, I found some things to be hilarious.  It's not an event, it is a journey.

Welcome to EX,


Thank you. Today is day number 1 and before when I tried to quit, I was easily pissed off and mad at everyone..I'm trying to find things to do to keep me busy and everything. Thank your for your advise!!!


Anger was my number one trigger...I had never learned to deal with it and I always wanted to stuff it down.  This is a journey and you can't expect to take short cuts,  it is not always easy and there will be challenges but you CAN do this.  Congratulations on day one, by tonight, it will be DAY WON!


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For me, it was not what day or hour was the hardest, but what thought was the hardest to deal with: I believed that smoking helped me and that I needed it. That was the hardest thing to let go of. Time and commitment did the trick!!!


I found the first month the hardest ... and especially around dinner time...but here I am free of smoking for 245 days ... so even though it was uncomfortable in the beginning...I made can too...~ Colleen 245 DOF 


The only time I thought it was bad besides the first 24 hours was about 6 weeks in when I was a juror on a first-degree murder trial. The testimony and autopsy photos, long boring lunches and sitting out in the hallway waiting on the attorneys nearly sent me over the top. I coped with that by eating a lot of trail mix and walking up and down the parking structure on my breaks.

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