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Give and get support around quitting


When Do Benefits of Quitting Start?

I've been on Chantix for a week now and have smoked 1 pack of cigs in the last 7 days! BTW, you're supposed to smoke the 1st week while the medication builds up in your system. Tomorrow is my quit date! 

I remember my Dad telling me that when he quit, food tasted better, breathing got better, smells were more intense, and his coloring greatly improved! Just wondering when I can expect to experience these things.

Also,  I've noticed that a huge trigger for me is seeing actors smoke in films!! I know they aren't smoking real cigs but a buzzer goes off in my brain when I see them smoke! Any suggestions to silence the buzzer?

17 Respuestas

Not watching old movies will help.......very few people smoke in movies any more.

TO ME (again---only my opinion!!!)the progression seemed to be............................

1940-60's -everyone smoked in movies......everyone.

1970-1980-only bad guys smoked OR good people who were becoming "bad guys"

1990- present- very few people good or bad smoking in movies

To avoid any trigger that makes you want to smoke...always tell yourself...."those people do not "get" to smoke........they HAVE to smoke. I don't.

Stay Strong

When you stop thinking of it.


The benefits that we feel and see can be somewhat different from the internal benefits that tend to go unnoticed.  And each person is different.  For me, I didn't notice any change in stamina, or in physical ability with tennis or exercise.   The first thing that occurred was that the string of phlegm down my  throat that I awakened with every morning ceased entirely within the first three days.  Didn't notice much change in taste, but my sense of smell is now as keen as a dogs.  At least it seems so to me.  I can smell the faintest of subtle scents.  When that happened, I can't tell you.  But it is astonishingly different than when I smoked and I would say is the greatest perceptible change in my case.  

Now a passing thought:  if you don't happen to notice any changes, or if it takes longer than you had hoped, will that make a difference in whether you remain smoke free or not?  If so, don't let it.  It might just be an excuse for failure.  It's important to not lose sight of why we came to a quit smoking site in the first place.  None of us can pretend that smoking doesn't - or won't - impact our health.  We KNOW better.  We just have to choose better.

Watch that e-cig usage.  It might trick you into it's being a false friend.  

Welcome.  Take what you like and leave the rest.  We're all very opinionated here.  For a good reason!  (grin)


Keep moving forward stacking up your precious Days of Freedom so each evening you can say YAY for another Day WON, it takes time to relearn life without the smokes BUT boy oh boy it's so worth it to be Free and the longer you're quit the easier it will get and once you get to that good place in your quit you'll be so glad that you stuck with your quit....


i noticed an improved sense of smell and taste pretty quickly BUT, I have COPD so I did not notice a huge change in my breathing or in my energy level and I remember reading others saying how wonderful they felt after a couple of weeks, some were able to run and do much more than they could when they smoked.  A LOT depends upon how long you smoked and if you did damage to your lungs...I smoked for 47 years and did irreversible damage BUT I am working on stopping the progression of the COPD, doing everything that I can to take care of myself.  This is a journey well worth taking!



everyone is different,  I noticed food tasted better after afew months.  I used Nicorette gum for three months and the third month to ween myself off of thegum.  you don't know how strong you are until you've tried. 

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Realize how ridiculous they actually look! Seriously, being a little snobby about it is okay. This really helped me because movie smoking was a huge trigger for me. Also realizing that that's one of the ways your autonomous brain has been manipulated into paying someone to kill you is really helpful.


Welcome and the Serenity Prayer HELPS ME - the prayer - God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change the Courage to change the things I can and the Wisdom to know the difference -  TODAY - recovery is one day at a time - broken down into moments and seconds and one minute at a time by renewing YOUR mind - NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF EVER - ONE day at a time - gentle hug ❤  

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