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Give and get support around quitting


What works???

Hi, I am determined to quit smoking this time. I have tried many times in the past,but this time my incentive is a diagnosis of COPD with chronic broncitus. I am also encouraged by the posts that show how much money you save when you quit smoking!!! I am currently reviewing my options of patches, gums, medications, etc. Any advice out there would be welcome.....Thanks in advance
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12 Respuestas

What I do is eat the crap out of sunflower seeds. The ones with the shell that you have to spit out. That really helps with the physical part of it. i also do this... for each day you don't smoke, put the amount of money you would have spent on cigs that day and put it into a big jar where you can see it every day. Once you see all the money you are saving, it helps a lot. I just quit on July 21, 2008 and I am trying something new along with the money in a jar thing. For each day I don't smoke, i will give myself a blue poker chip. on the seventh day, i will get a red chip to represent one week of not smoking. i will do the same for a month, year, so on. this is sort of a reward or ribbon to show my accomplishment. Something to be proud of. Hope you liked some of these ideas. Wish me luck and good luck to you!
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So glad you found this site, you will get so much feedback and figure out what is best for you, most important for me was the desire to quit, I also have illnesses directly resulting from smoking, and i actually didn't make it to my quit date because I ended up in the hospital, that was 5 days ago, I never thought I would "cold turkey", but thats how it worked out,i tried the patch upon leaving the hospital, and it made me sick, headache, nausea, the whole bit, but for others it's a wonder. You do your due diligence and keep coming back! It works, just follow the plan! You deserve a smoke-free life!
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I think it is different for everyone. I quit on July the 7th with the patch and I find that as long as I have the patch on I am not tempted to smoke because I know it could give me too much nicatine. When the patch isn't on ( end of night, etc) I have smoked a couple of times. I started at step 2 patch and my plan is after 2 more weeks there I am going to go down to the 3rd step and suppliment with gum if I need it. I have been off work this whole time and totally changed my routine but I am afraid when I go back to work on Monday it will get much harder again.
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Thats great. It takes alot of hard work but so worth it. I have been sucking on peppermints like crazzy and suckers. It also really helps to have all this support. One thing that really told be i was readyto quit is i coul see my self as a non smoker. I really wanted this and you have to want it reallly bad. non smoking saves money, you heath and just more time in your life. Everytime i had a really bad craving and wante da cig my fiance asked me do u want a cg or is it your addiction, and it was. Why would i want a cig ts nasty and just hurting me not helping. its hard work but so worth it.
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Hi Everyone, Thanks for all your replies and support. I am still in the "track your triggers and try to ignore them" stage. Doing well. No more smoking in the car or the bathroom!!!! Sunday is my quit day. Figured going to church in the morning would be a good way start to my smoke free life.
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So did you actually go cold turkey??? I am hearing about all the pain and suffering for three day going cold turkey. You seem so calm and relaxed!!!!
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Hi, Linda...some people are able to quit cold turkey...others are not. It can be a bit traumatic on your system; depending how rough you will be on yourself during withdrawal.

The advice you will receive here is excellent !! The main thing, tho, is follow the plan (which I see you are !!) It is SO important to recognize your triggers; change your habits...etc.

I'm on day 25 of my quit...and doing absolutely fantastic !!! I am chomping on the Nicarette gum...the 1st day was hard as heck...I chewed a piece every hour I think !!! It gradually got less and less. Yesterday I only chewed 2 pieces all, it's almost noon and I haven't chewed any yet !!!!

Keep a positive's very important. And tell yourself over and over again...SMOKING IS NOT AN OPTION !!!! No matter what problems pop up (smoking doesn't solve problems, it creats them) no matter what excuses...Smoking is NOT an option.

Oh; chronic bronchitis for 18 years; COPD for 5 years; emphazema for 2 years....After 25 days, I can breathe again !!!! Already !!!! Good luck !!!
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Hi, Linda and good luck! My name is Dennis and today is day 1 for me. My reason for quitting is family history of medical problems (not mine-knock on wood). Currenty doing Chantix and it helps.. I recommend planning, with a lot of thinking on what to do to keep yourself occupied. Sunflower seeds, toothpicks, anything to keep your hands and mouth busy (and avoid the weight gain that will become our excuse if we allow it).

I found this site (very helpful) and a few others , and wrote down every idea, response and motivational words to get through any triggers. i think the most important thing for me this time is embracing the urges and realizing each gets me one step away. Instead of saying 'I need a cigarette' as I have in the past, now I'm saying 'My God. I'm free. I am an ex already!' Basically, put a positive twist on everything I can. And, DON"T CHEAT. If you are done, be done with it.

Your health and personal being are important to you and others. Look, I don't even know you and you've helped me reinforce, get through a tough moment and feel better myself. Well, enough of my rambling. Good luck and send me a message if I can help.
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Hi Vickie, I just want to share with you some of my own facts. Your message, reminded me of myself one time when I quit. As soon as the patch came off, I would smoke. Then later, I started to take the patch off and then smoke. So, I wouldn't get too much Nicotine. Finally, I got it right. I used the patches for longer than the two week periods each step and then I eventually got to the 7 MG and after 2 weeks I cut the 7 MG in half and used that for a full 2 weeks even though I didn't feel as if I needed it. It worked this time rreally well. So far I have 34 days in and going strong. So, if I can you can!! Hang in there and try whatever works for you.
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