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What are some of your reasons to quit smoking?

My biggest reason not to smoke anymore is I do not want to have a heart attack.  I think I had a mild one about  a month ago, lasted about 3 days( I quit smoking on the 3rd day) . I could not imagine it feeling worse than it did that weekend but I do not want to find out! Everytime I think about smoking I remember that weekend and I quickly remember why I will never smoke again! 

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7 Replies

I quit for many reasons, but the biggest one is also the smallest one. His name is tryston mikel. first grand baby, and i want to see him grow up as much and as healthy as possible. I also quit because i couldn't walk across the yard without being out of breath. TOOOO many reasons to list here, but these are the main ones.

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 My main reason for quitting was that I didn't like the slavery that addiction brings. I wanted to taste that freedom that I knew was there. I wanted to feel what it would be like to walk a path without fear of failure. To prove to myself that I cared about life more then a powerful addiction.

 Oh and of course I cared about my future and health!!

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I haven't quit yet. Postphone every cigarrette for 30 minutes. Smoking about 26 per day with this chart. Quit 3 hours yesterday then went back to it. I need a plan. I haven't teied a quit aid . But maybe nicorrette gum? You can't smoke while y ou do it.  Am interested in joining a group to hear others experience, and make a plan to quit. Have read Allen Carr's The Easy Way to Quit Smoking. But I stopped at intervals in between reading it to smoke. So that took some of the steam out of the read. I would like to     try to at least quit for one day. I am 65 this month, and have smoked for about 47 years. My eyes are giving me trouble. I think it's related to smoking....Carole

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I quit for myself! My health, my family and my friends.  I have tried many times, three years ago for 6 months then fell off the wagon and was pack to a pack a day.  I have read more this time and feel better prepared.

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My reason for quitting is my children and their health. I do not want my children to have asthma or etc. bc of me and my smoking habits.

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Chuck is right!  Smoking is slavery.  Non-smoking is freedom and peace.  Being a closet smoker for 40 years, I spent WAY too much time arranging and manipulating circumstances so I could have a private break time.  I'm ashamed at how excited I was when my older elementary or middle school kids went on sleep overs because then I could smoke without "getting caught".  Every activity, social, family or church, was viewed through the filter of "when, where and how can I have a cigarette".  If it wasn't possible, I didn't participate.  What did I deprive myself of for all these years? 

Praise God I am healthy, strong and fit.  But how long can that last when you smoke?  Everytime I would beef up my excersise routine to "be healthy" I would feel guilty that I was not really healthy - I was a smoker.  I wanted to smoke cigarettes but not be a smoker.  Smokers have wrinkly skin, bad health and stink.  I didn't think that was me.  But you can't smoke and NOT be a smoker.  Does that even make sense?  Do other smokers smoke privately and delude themselves into thinking that they really aren't "smokers"? 

I have kids and a grandchild.  I want to be the best I can be for God, my family and myself.  Smoking just didn't let that happen. I'm starting to taste the freedom and I'm holding on to that!

April Dancer

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I quit smoking for myself I say that not to be selfish, but in the past when I do things for everyone else somehow I get disapointed and go right back to my addiction. So this time I have to lead by example and not for praise if that makes any sense. My quit was 7 days ago and I feel great.

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