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Give and get support around quitting


What advice would you give to a new quitter?

I just joined and set me quit date for February 13.  Any help or advise you can give will be appreciated.  Thanks, Jeani

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13 Replies

How are you doing? How is the prep work going? Keep posting! 

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Welcome to the site, stay close and read everything you can about quitting smoking because there's a wealth of information here to strengthen your resolve to quit and remain quit and we're all here to help you in any way we can, Quitting smoking is definitely difficult but so very Doable and worth it to be FREE. EXforLife2

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Seriously hope you are doing the reading and that you realize that the best bet you have for a successful quit is to make sure you are educated about addiction to nicotine and that you get the support you need.  Prepare a quit kit and list all of the triggers you know of and how strong they are and then plan for what you will do when they come about after you quit...triggers will keep coming and might even get a little stronger as your body adjusts to being nicotine free.  Stick with your quit, stick with us and you will embark on a wonderful journey of self discovery and self empowerment!

Welcome to EX,


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Here are a couple of links that might be helpful. "take what you need and leave the rest"


Looking forward to the 13th! If you need anything just holler!  ~Terrie~

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