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Give and get support around quitting


Well I need to start over!

yesterday was supposed to be my quit date and I didn’t do it!  I need to go back to the start and start over.  I don’t understand why I can’t seem to summon the resolve to just do it!  This is so frustrating!


18 Respuestas


You MUST decide that you will not smoke another cigarette NO MATTER WHAT!  Get your tools together - make the commitment and then just DO it!

Almost all of us here were scared to death to quit, and scared to death not to.

Take the leap!  Commit to it!  Understand that it is going to take effort on your part in the early days.  You need to keep yourself busy.  Here are some ideas to start you thinking:

Keep a cold bottle of water handy from which to sip, exercise, take slow/deep breaths, rearrange the furniture where you used to smoke.....

Exercise some MORE - come here and read, and then read some more.  Stay occupied! 

You CAN do this!!!  I know you can!



you don't know how strong you are until you try


Stay with it SandyV.  Just keep coming back here.  Keep reading.  Learn about the addiction part of this and understand it for what it is.  Pull yourself up,don't beat yourself up.  Just keep being determined to quit.  I'm just a 2 day newbie so I don't have a lot of experience yet.  But the elders do. Stick with them.  You CAN do this. 


What do you think you can do differently this time? Being mindful of our behaviors or lack of I think might help with your next try, or at least it helped me:). You CAN do this. And when you do the feeling of pride you'll get will keep you quit. We're here for you!


SO many wonderful, supportive and helpful responses...the ones from newbies are JUST as valuable as those from elders...partly because the newbies are so close to where you are.  You CAN, you CAN, you CAN!



       I didn't really want to quit when I did. But I'd made a commitment and perhaps I did want to quit a little. I didn't know what to expect out of life as a quitter because I'd smoked daily, hourly for years and years. That's all I knew. I'd heard it was an addiction, but when I quit, I was convinced that I loved smoking--that that was why I really smoked. So I quit, but defiantly stuck to the idea that I missed smoking because I loved it.

       Because of the addiction it hurt for a while after I quit. I was confused, distressed at times. I quit cold turkey, mostly on my own (no Ex) but I did use support via the internet--NH Quits, youtube videos, American Lung Assoc. I searched for anything that would help me cope. Sometimes that meant a long walk. Sometimes that meant eating candy. Sometimes it meant watching the Honeymooners, Carol Burnet, Barney Fife, Frasier for comic relief. Sometimes it meant feeling sorry for myself but not smoking.

       It takes time. Maybe I'm a Princess Fusspot, but I found my acceptance through trial, not smoking, time and continually reaching out for answers.

        You can quit and call it your own. Big hug and sending support your way that you find your yes on your terms.


maryfreecig‌ I would say that Princess Fusspot is a warrior princess.


Ellen!!!  Thanks for sending a different perspective my way. Nice!


I am another "log" on the fire to help you build that burning desire to STOP SMOKING!

As my fellow "logs" on this site know..............

you DO have the POWER.

you DO have a CHOICE.

WE  ARE here to SUPPORT you.

Just do it, and STOP thinking....

Miles  of Smiles