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Give and get support around quitting

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491 Replies
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CathyC1332 wrote:

Thank you for your comments Carrie.  I set my quit date for Dec 2, but I smoked. I had an appointment with my neurosurgeon and we discussed smoking.  I cut my daily intake to half of what I normally smoke. Anyway,  I am to have surgery on my neck just before Christmas.  I too HAVE to stop smoking because if I continue to smoke my surgery won't heal and all the things about smoking you noted. I was anxious yesterday, so I did smoke. It's funny because the fact I am to have surgery doesn't bother me, it's because I have to quit smoking.  I see this as an early Christmas gift and I too have so wanted to quit and now I do have family support so I think I will quit smoking and be done with it. I know I will feel better. Thank you for your post and I know I am in the same situation. 

Glad you've been in communication with your health care professional. Do some more reading to understand why you still smoked. Work towards educating yourself and then set a new quit date. And before you smoke. Come here to the community and post. Then wait for at least three people to respond to your post before doing anything else. Hopefully the craving will have passed by then and or the community will have talked you out of it.

Glad you have family support. You can write a letter to your loved ones to let them know how they can help.  There are some posts here on the community about how about to go about doing that.  You could also write a good-bye letter to cigarettes.

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Delphinia wrote:

Hello, all!! My name is Carrie, and I am a born-and-bred Georgia belle. I have smoked for over half of my 42 years on this planet, and have made numerous quit attempts. Longest I ever made it was six months, almost to the day. Life has found a way to get me to quit for good, though. After a nearly-total hysterectomy for ovarian and cervical cancer a year and a half ago, there is now a mass on my one remaining ovary. I will not only need surgery to remove it, but I will need hormone replacement therapy for many years. As some of you may already know, smoking while using HRT can lead to blood clots, heart attack, and stroke. I’m not gonna lie...I’ve been wanting to quit. Now, I HAVE to. I am actually very excited to have this very serious motivation to make this quit a successful one. My quit date will be this Saturday. Wish me luck!! Looking forward to meeting all of you.  

Sounds like you've been through a lot Carrie.  But glad you've found us.  The community is a great place to be as you approach your quit date and solidify your quit.  Commit to coming here daily and utilize the information and resources available to you here on the community and in the My Quit Plan.

EX Community Manager

EX Community Admin Team

Thank you, Going to start my Chantix Tomorrow 

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Chandra2222 wrote:

Thank you, Going to start my Chantix Tomorrow 

How is it going this morning?

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EX Community Admin Team

Hello, my name is Joel. I have put off quitting dipping for longer than I care to remember.  I am just sick of it. The toll on health, the dangers of it, the example it sets and the cost. I've literally been paying to kill myself and I don't want any part of that any more.  I know it won't be easy but I am just so sick of it. 


I am with you. No it won't be easy.  I told myself try not think it won't be easy and focus on I can do this. We are all in this together and I think there is a lot of support here. Hang in there and stay safe. 

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Community Manager

Welcome Joel!

You’re at the right place.  Come here often and read though all that you can. Once you stop don’t start again. And if you’re on the verge of wanting to.  Come here and post instead.  


EX Community Admin Team

I wrote a new blog but it’s not appearing in my group Christian Quitters. Is there a way to put it there? Not a big deal though. Thx


Delphinia and Dippingsux   Welcome to the Ex.  Take the first steps--pick a quit date, educate yourself about nicotine addiction, and create a quit plan.   These steps can lead to success.  We're here to support you, so just reach out anytime you need encouragement or want to share your journey.

If you "Post to My Blog" and introduce yourself to the community, you'll receive lots of support.  Look forward to hearing from you.



Hello my name is Carson I’m 21 and have used nicotine since I was 17. I have adhd and I am pretty impulsive with vaping. I want to quit for my future so I can stay healthy and also so I can start saving the money I spend on vape products.