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491 Respuestas

Well here I go. I’m 36 and have been dipping for 20 years. With three kids it seems like the right time. It’s just not worth it. I quit for 6 months and took a dip from a friend and the rest is history. I think I’m ready mentally 

0 Kudos

Hi my name is Katie, I have been trying to quit for almost ten months. I am determined to do this.


Kwillie Welcome to the Ex Katie.  Read as much as you can.  Educating yourself about nicotine addiction and creating a quit plan, make quitting doable.   My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX   We're here to support you on your journey.  

If you "Post to My Blog" to introduce yourself, you'll receive support from other quitters in the community.

We're here for you.



Hello! My name is Brandon (yes, despite the username). I started smoking when I was 14. I'm now 18 and vape instead. I've recently acquired a sort of mindfulness that I've never had before. Living in the present has caused me to realize all that I've put my body through, and it's *now* pretty obvious that smoking/vaping is bad for my anxiety/depression rather than good for it. I'm making use of nicotine patches prescribed by my doctor to aid in quitting. Today is my quit day. I've made it through this day, and I will make it through the next, and beyond. That's the goal, at least. I think what you're doing here is awesome.


Consider yourself lucky and wise beyond your years. Your still young. Perfect time to quit. Before you know it it’s a 10 or twenty year habit in the blink of an eye


jasonhaxstuff   Welcome to the Ex Brandon.  Congrats on quitting at such a young age so you can avoid many of the health issues long term users experience. If you haven't done so, educating yourself about nicotine addiction and creating a quit plan can help you to be successful.    My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX   We're here to support you.  Just reach out anytime you need encouragement or want to share your journey.

If you "Post to My Blog"   to introduce yourself, you'll receive lots of support from the quitting community.



Welcome! Quit now. I promise that with every passing year, quitting gets harder. 

I'm so entirely impressed that you are here. There is wisdom on Ex. 

Delighted to meet you, Brandon.  


Thank you.  Today is Monday. I got out of bed an hour ago.  I have smoked 2 cigarettes in that time. I found this group in 2017 it appears. I was gung ho on quitting.  I think I was pumped on adrenal.  I have tried everything available to aid in quitting. I have a copy of Allen Carr's book. I am going to read it again. I haven't seen what it offers to be helpful in quitting. This post may sound really negative, not meant to be negative.  I have my quit date set for Dec. 2. That day I meet with my neurosurgeon to discuss possible surgery on my neck. It was made known to me I need to do something about the smoking. It is a dangerous risk in surgery.  I started pacing my smoking. I allow myself 1 cigarette every hour. I am 67 years old. I started smoking at 18 years of age. I smoked for 20 years and then was smoke free for 15 years. Life happened and I started smoking more than ever. Right now I am here reading discussions and enjoying the support and encouraging stories.  So, I shall go forward and prevail.  Enjoy this Monday and stay focused and safe. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this site and enjoy all of you.


There's great support here. I believe it's possible. Others here have shown me such. And I have 30 something days smoke free (Oct 19h). You can do it. Read everything as if your life depends on it. 

0 Kudos

My name is Jayne.  I am just sick of listening to my doctor telling me to quit.  This time I walked out with scrip for Bupropion. She told me I could smoke for the first two weeks but stop on the beginning the third week.  So my first no smoke day I went and hung out with some AA buddies and they shared about doing this ONE DAY AT A TIME.  Don't even think I'm quitting for the rest of my life.  Just, " I'm not smoking today."  They gave me a

"desire chip" and told me to put it in the pocket I use to hold my lighter.  Then when I reach for my lighter, I get a silver shiny disc that says "TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE"...and big old 24 in the center. So far, day three.