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Weird food cravings anyone???

so0o today i'm like wiiiicked fiending for a i want one really bad...instead of smoking i've been eating a lot of chocolate lately..which i know is not a good idea!!! it is so0o cheap and so0o easy to buy..n there are many different types of choco for every type of person....

how do I stop these cravings?? i want to smoke really bad...but instead i've been reaching for candy!! it's getting kinda tough...i sub one bad habit for another not so0o healthy
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12 Replies

Eat chocolate! As long as you dont become obese its better for you than smoking by about a zillion percent! Also its not so weird, chocolate contains chemicals that mimic good feelings in your brain like love and satisfaction, as a result it is actually benefitting you in many ways. If you are worried about weight, go to the gym or just run or walk. Exercise releases endorphins that make you feel good too. Anything that helps pump those good chemicals in your brain will help you win over the bad ones from withdraw and addiction! Good luck, be strong!
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Its okay. really. The chocolatey sugary cravings do go away. I am finally off the Tootsie Pops. It was about 3-4 weeks on the sugary goodness. It does get better. I do keep them handy in case of emergency, but the cravings for little dopamine releasers (candy) will be there for awhile. So eat the chocolate instead of smoking for now. Worry about getting off the chocolate later.
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I completely agree with the post good to yourself and you will get through it. i have read elsewhere that if you're concerned about gaining weight when you quit smoking, just pay attention to your food intake but DON'T try to diet and quit smoking at the same time. one thing at a time! it goes without saying that gaining a few pounds is much less worse for your health than smoking is. i'm really small and to gain even 5 pounds would be a lot on I'm just trying to be aware of it all-i have gained a couple to be honest. i've been indulging a bit...but it gets easier every day to not give in to food cravings. I also took a nap the other day for the first time in a year and half! it was lovely.

i have had some weird food attachments though...if it makes you feel any better, I can't get enough plantain chips. that sounds really funny to me. BUT! i've been drinking tons of water and i've been chewing sugarless gum and cutting straws in half (either chewing on them or pretending it's a cigarette) - ugh...the things we have to do to get through this.

good luck!!! you can absolutely do this!
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