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Weird food cravings anyone???

so0o today i'm like wiiiicked fiending for a i want one really bad...instead of smoking i've been eating a lot of chocolate lately..which i know is not a good idea!!! it is so0o cheap and so0o easy to buy..n there are many different types of choco for every type of person....

how do I stop these cravings?? i want to smoke really bad...but instead i've been reaching for candy!! it's getting kinda tough...i sub one bad habit for another not so0o healthy
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12 Replies

Maybe I'm a selfish person at heart, but I feel like if you're within the first 2 weeks after quitting you need to be REALLY good to yourself. Eat some chocolate, take naps, get a pedicure, read or take a walk even if there is a sink full of dishes. Whatever it takes to get through the detox. It really is detox. After the 2 weeks then worry about the chocolate or the dishes. I've only got 4 1/2 days in so I'm no expert but i'm not a stranger to addiction & detox. Just be nice to yourself, you're goin thru a rough time right now.
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gPLZ dont give in eat whatever you want to this is as bad it will get downhill soon .HANG IN THERE YOU CAN DO IT . DEEP BREATHS . Use a straw pretend its a cigg this really helps . Meditate pray do anything your at a cross road please chose the rite path dont give in you know you really do want to QUIT
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Some days are worse than others, Vanessa. How long have you been smoke free? The first week is called Hell Week - the first 72 hours are spent just ridding your body of the toxins. Maybe you could substitute the chocolate for some hard candy or lollipops - they'll last longer than a piece of chocolate - tootsie pops or blow pops will give you something to chew the heck out of once the pop part is gone. Above all, be kind to yourself. Your body is going through a lot of changes. Take a nap, go for a walk, do something to keep your hands and mind busy. Hang in there.

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No, you can't "stop" the cravings, but it will get better in a week or so.
Water really helps: It will keep you (and your stomach) busy.
If you absolutely/positively need candies, a few of them is not going to kill you. Sugar-free candies (in small quantities) are ok. Be careful though, as they can really mess up your stomach ( heavy doses of artificial sweeteners on your stomach = not good!!)

The question you should ask yourself at this point, is what is the most likely to put your quiting in jeopardy? Your number 1 priority is to stay quit. If you feel that the the sweet cravings are unbearable, and that they could bring you back to the cigarette habit.. by all means, eat sweets !!!
On the other hand, if you think that putting on weight during the first week, will discourage you from staying quit, you'll have to limit / cut the sweets and find something else.
Try to determine what will keep your quit bearable at this point. NO WORRIES, the cravings will subside quickly 🙂
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just chew sugar free gum, or lollipops, and chocolate is like fruit compared to cigs, and if u happen to gain weight, itll be better than you teeth falling out and smelling like shit all day long! u can do it, good luck
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Do whatever it takes to stop smoking
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I wish I could help you with the cravings. I've gained 12 pounds. Want to know my craving? Roasted marshmellows. Put a marshmellow on a fork, get a lighter and set it on fire till is charcoal black. OMG - I have gove thru 3 bags in 2 mths. It has finally started to stop and into eating dry fruit loops now. GOOD LUCK!
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I have LIVED (and I mean that literally) on hot and spicy chex mix and pickles for the last nine days. I don't understand it either and am really surprised I am not sick - but I feel that if it keeps me satisfied through this, what the hell!
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Try dark chocolate. Its actually good for you in moderation. But that is is the key. lol. I always crave those little debbie peanut buddies? I guess that's what thier called. Then there is always gum!
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