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Weight Gain

I was a smoker for 22 years. I was smoking about 1 1/2 packs per day. I used chantix to quit, really helped. The first couple weeks were very rough, I cheated twice, but haven't had a cigarette since 5/13 and today is 6/30. My problem is the weight gain. I have gained 11 pounds. I seem to be hungry all the time. I drink alot of water. It is hard to diet and be a non smoker. Like right now I am hungry, and want a cigarette. I have been drinking slim fast and watching what I eat, but the scale keeps going up. Any advice?
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2 Replies


I've gained 15 lbs. since I quit 9 months ago. It must be a connection between the metabolism and nicotine thing. I wish some medical group would do a study on weight gain and smokers. I failed the first 2 times I quit because when I gained 6 lbs. I started smoking again. This time I decided not to let the scale control me, like cigarettes have for so many years. Sooner or later the weight gain will taper off. When I feel the need to smoke, I drink water, take a walk and eat raw veggies. I wish you the best. Have some raw veggies ready when the hunger strikes. The Special K bars are delicious and only 90 calories. I have half a bar with water or a cup of coffee. Happy 4th of July and Independence from smoking. :>)
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H Sheri;
Most people do gain weight when they quit, tho not all. I also gained about 10 pounds, even while watching what I ate. I am slowly losing the weight, not by dieting, but by eating healthy food and exercising. Best of luck
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