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Can we talk about weight gain?

I’m 6 weeks smoke free and the last two weeks... binge eating! It’s awful! Someone give me suggestions or ideas. I’m working but I want food all day and not the good stuff. Help! 

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First of all, congratulations on your decision to quit and your first successful 6 weeks.  That is HUGE!

I have some tips.  First, keep a cold bottle of water with you at all times  from which to sip..  Try to sub a healthy option in between the junk food.  You can use frozen grapes or blueberries, carrot and celery sticks with a yogurt dip.  You might try a candy that keeps your mouth busy for awhile - something like Fireballs or Sour Patch Kids, or red licorice, or even sugar free gum or mints.  Don't deprive yourself of it ALL, just try to limit the bad stuff to less than half of your snacks.  You might try eating 6 smaller meals, each consisting of a protein and a fruit/veggie....things like sliced apples and peanut butter, or some almonds and pears.  That will keep your blood sugar more level.  Increasing  your exercise will reduce your stress eating, and will burn off some of the extra calories.  You can also try flavored toothpicks, or make some of your own with orange juice, lemonade or maybe Hershey's syrup - soak them overnight, then dry on a cookie sheet.

Don't use weight gain as an excuse to start smoking again.. You will have extra time, energy AND money (to even join a gym) when your quit is well in hand to work on any excess.

Hope some of these help!



Thank you so much Nancy! Great great advice! Yes! I will not mess ne an excuse to go back to smoking but omg! I can’t believe how much garbage I am consuming. Hahaha. I will find the right medium to balance my junk with health. Thank you so much 



im battling the Covid 15; the weight most are gaining since lockdown. I’ve started much longer walks now that lungs are clearer . My knees can’t take running. Better some weight than all the heartache smoking brings. Congratulations.




When you think about it sometimes being a binge eater is better than being a smoker! Why not switch to fresher and healthier foods? Make sure you have plenty of healthy salads, fish. Anything with a nice balance of flavor!  Maybe go vegetarian for a little while and see if that helps the cravings and mood.

I have been smoke free for 8 years. But I recently switched to a keto vegetarian diet with occasionally going pescatarian(fish only vegetarian) . I haven't looked back since. I am a lot happy and feel a sense of well being.  

You're finding ways of replacing the motion of putting something to your lips and that's apart of the quit!

Keep up the great work! It's only going to  get easier!


Omg you are absolutely right! Congrats on 8 years. Amazing! And good luck on your health journey as well. I really should try keto! 


I remember feeling that way and then Covid came along and my breathing got worse and worse and I ended up not being able to work out.  It's all worth it in the end.  I lost more than one quit because of an unhealthy obsession with my weight.  I haven't smoked in over 7 years, I have not put weight on, I am not sure why but I can tell you that the quit is my priority and I very much hoping that I can exercise again without gasping for breath.  Unfortunately, I am not sure that is going to happen.



Ellen, have you tried yoga?  It actually works with your breath instead of against it and it keeps you physically and emotionally fit as well


Oh shoot. Best of luck to you! Stay healthy 


Congrats on your quit. It is great you are blogging and asking questions.

I know this will sound silly, but I increased my hand to mouth motion by eating limited amounts of berries (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, etc.) or sliced almonds (1 berry or 1 slice at a time). Anything to keep my hands busy while consuming small amounts.

I also did physical activities that involved my whole body, especially my arms and hands, like working out on the elliptical, doing the plank and pushups, or lifting weights.

After a few weeks of eating the berries and sliced almonds, I transitioned to rewarding myself by slowly eating two sugar-free hard candies, which also helped.

I decided at the beginning, that my quit was more important than any weight gain. I was able to avoid the gain by mindful eating, keeping my hands busy, and drinking plenty of water.
