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Week 5

Feel a lil down.. I thought I would feel like myself by now but I think the second week of no cigarette was when I felt happy now my mood is just blah ... i just want to feel good .. It feels like I'm in the first week with my mood. Has anyone else felt like this in week 5 ?

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13 Replies

You DO have people in your corner.  You are on the roller coaster of emotions that go along with a quit.  It's a journey and not an event and these crazy times are challenging everyone.  I remember going through a period of time where I cried all of the time...television ads made me cry, everything made me cry.  I blogged about it, JonesCarpeDiem‌ told me that it was okay to cry, I was "watering" my cheeks.  He was right, it IS okay to cry.

It is going to get better.


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That's how I am .. I cry at everything.. Its craziness.. Lol. I thought I was the only one going through types of emotions dury this quit journey..


You most certainly are NOT the only one.  The thing is that we used to stuff our emotions down with nicotine, it was our drug.  Once it was withdrawn, all of those feelings started to surface and we were woefully ill equipped to deal with them since we didn't have any practice.  It is okay to feel sad, to feel angry, to feel stressed, it is all part of the journey.  It WILL get easier and you WILL learn to just FEEL those feelings.  Stay close, you are doing great!



Thank you so much for your reassurance ellen I really appreciate you . I thought I was just going crazy..