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Give and get support around quitting


Want to quit before I become a grandma

I am 44 and have a daughter graduating from HS this year.  Although becoming a grandparent is probably still several years away, I want to quit smoking so I am not smoking when I become a grandparent.  I feel guilty that I smoked all these years when my own kids were little.  I have quit several times always to resume.  I lost both grandfather's to lung cancer.  This seems like a dumb question, but if I quit now, will I drastically cut my chances of getting cancer or is the damage already done?  I am scared but I still keep smoking.  Hoping this community will give me the support to quit once and for all!  Want to get healthy!

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4 Respuestas

Yes, you can still drastically cut your chances of getting MANY different diseases if you quit now!

We can do this. Tracking cigarettes here on becomean ex has helped me to slowly but surely cut down and I'm setting my quit day soon. I think this works better for me than just going cold turkey. I'm starting to feel a bit more in control. The kind of control I'll need to quit for real.

Alan Carr's book The Easy Way to Stop Smoking has been helpful and interesting...

one phrase of his has really struck a nerve with me and I have posted it on my desk...

"Do I really need to go through life paying through the nose just to stick these things in my mouth and suffocate myself?"

Yes, I'm afraid too that I have done irreparable damage to my lungs, they don't feel too good lately....

but we have more of a chance of healing any damage or preventing damage if we stop now!

delaying smoking by writing to you is helping, so thank you.

Writing a list of positive, nice, needed, easy things you can do for yourself everyday and then next time you go to light up do something positive from the list...has helped me too.  My list:

eat a healthy yummy snack, write a short journal/blog entry, get a pedicure, hug my son. brush my cat, call a close friend, send a thank you note, and even some of the annoying things like calling the phone company about the mistake in your bill.. Slightly annoying but you've been putting it off and busying yourself with smoking. Now you have the time to do it and it will feel really good when you get it done.

Just some suggestions that have helped me lately.

Good luck to you!

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Hi. I am 49 and my son graduates next year, I will be a first time grandma in July of this year. Thanks for your tips. Have a another smokefree day.

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Good Luck, I quit yesterday at 8.45am and have not smoked one I have stopped so many times it is not even funny....i was on here 2 years ago and quit for 100 days then my business partner says lets smoke one I thought no big deal picked one up and started right back..I have COPD and my doctor says anyone that has smoked more then 10 years has it and does not even notice...My Mom died 04/05/2010 of cancer and I swore on her dying bed I would quit so this time it has to be the last time and I think I can because I cannot break a promise to her...g/l you can do it dont let those cigs beat you your bigger then them and alot smarter...I am taking Chantix and it really does help I have tried them all and to be honest i dont think putting any nicotine substitutes in your body is helpful you need to get it all out...Chantix has no nicotine and gets the edge ohh I am 48 and been smoking on and off more on since I was 13.......You can do this it is 98% in the mind really Karen

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Hello to everyone I have chosen to quit smoking for a healthier lifestyle, to be able to enjoy my 4 wonderful grandchildren, my tentative quit date is June 25 I can do this, any suggestion's will be greatly appreciated, happy to be here and looking forward to becoming a non-smoker. Thank's hope each of you have a great day.

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