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Give and get support around quitting


Want to but can't commit-Help!

I've just joined Ex. I still am a light smoker. My loved ones are mortified that I hold onto smoking. I bum or buy 4 loosies a day. In a city, its all around me. When there's no smokers around I've managed on gum and low strength patches, but weaken anytime its available, as a stress reliever and oral tool.

I simply am holding on and won't cut the chord. I enjoy those cigarettes so much yet am always filled with guilt and shame.

I had a health scare recently and thought I had cancer but after complete screening I'm fine. Yet still I've gone back to this chronic scourge.

I would love help to get strong and to help visualize being free 100% from ever lighting a cigarette.

Any helpful suggestions and encouragement are very welcome!!

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38 Respuestas

Thank you so much newme.  Commitment is everything.  I had a stupid day in my studio (painter), annoyed by

not smoking and other things.  Just want to take the bus to the bodega tomorrow and get my loosies.  Ugh.

I started this with a 9/15 quit date, but then thought why wait, i joined this and have been touched by the responses.

Do you think I should give it a couple of weeks, or just putting off the inevitable?

You must feel so proud!  I suppose, like AA, committing to the community can be key.  Stop attending or logging on and 

one is left to one's own weaknesses, deceptions and urges.  

Tomorrow's a new day.


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Want to but can't commit

We all were afraid to commit because the fear of failure 

The want to is the biggest motivator you have

You just need to turn it into "I never want to smoke a gain"

Others will be along with some readings to help you understand the addiction

Welcome to EX


Thank you jonimarie.  Much appreciated.


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Glad you are here now. Best thing , in my opinion, is to learn about how and why you are addicted . Read t]hrough this site, we are here to help  Welcome


Thank you Mandolinrain.  Means a lot


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Cathy, its just hard, plain hard. The only way out is through. Thats why we are here to encourage and support you. I was the WORST ever at quitting. I failed so many times. I KNEW it was bad for me and I WANTED BADLEY to  we get it. we all do.

I promise you this WILL find your way, It may not be the way I did it, but you will. It never feels like yo can but you will. Once you have that NEED, that desire as you WILL happen. You will change your ways and find the way through. 

Know that we are here for you to help shed light on the path and then BELIEVEin yourself that YOU WILL find your way and we will help support you whatever path you choose to get to freedom  xoxo


Thanks so much for your encouragement.

If i weaken do people write in for immediate help or have a partner kind of sponsor? 

Can one write private messages to folks?



Generally there's always an Elder lurking around on the site to jump in if you call out for help. And the Newbies also.....they have many solutions as well as they are traveling the same road we all are on.

We sorta sponsor each other here on this site. The ELDERS are those of us who have a year ir more of freedom but let me tell you....I have seen som amazing comments from the newbies that have helped me and other Elders here. 

We are a family and we reach out to each other thru thick and thin

Welcome to our family!


Blog as often as you wish. Whatever you have to say about quitting or those parts of your life that effect your quitting, Exers are here to listen.

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You've already got great advice, just wanted to welcome you the Ex and wish you the best on your journey.  Do you have a quit plan?   My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX   

You can do this. The people on this site are proof of that. Just reach out of you need help.
