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Give and get support around quitting


There are so many great new members who have finally made the CHOICE to stop smoking! :-} WELCOME! I hope you all take the time to put a bit of profile info on your page so we can get to know you and thus be better able to help you! Please everybody remember that when you type a message on your own message board, you're message will probably get lost because nobody can see you! You can message other members by clicking on their name or avatar! There are also a variety of groups that you can join for more specific needs, for instance I am a member of Living with COPD. You can join as many groups as you like! Please use the BLOGS as much as you feel like it - nobody here gets bored with the subject!!!!! Also, there's virtually always somebody around 24/7 and calls for help get very fast responses - so if you have the urge to slip or cheat - PLEASE BLOG about it First!!!! At least give yourself the chance to be talked out of it! Stay Positive not tentative and READ, READ, READ!!!

My name is Thomas and I have 325 Smoke FREE Days!!!

 Smoke FREE Days ( that's more than 9 months, folks!) If I can do this You can too! I have not smoked 2890 cigs and guess what? I REALLY DON'T MISS IT ONE BIT! 

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9 Replies

New here, I am going to try...again.  I know I can do this!  I am smarter than a cigarette. 

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Hi everyone, my name is Kerin, I was supposed to quit today, but I didn't get it done.  My mother passed away from lung cancer 15 years ago today and I wanted to be able to remember this day for something good instead of her death.  I have decided that Valentine's Day will be the day I quit because I can't think of a better way to tell my son how much I love him!  Any help and or advice and encouragement is extremely appreciated.  Thank you and good luck to all!

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Hi Folks, It's time to try to quit smoking again. I have been a member for a while but recently decided to give it a more serious try. My Quit Date is February 26th 2011, I hope to have a real good handle on it by now. My reason to do this is stronger than ever before. I just learned about THIRD HAND SMOKE. A lot of you probably know about this but I didn't. Third Hand Smoke is the residue left behind on your clothes, body etc. and it can harm other people. I thought just because I smoked outside the home I wasn't hurting anyone but myself. Boy was I wrong. This was the First step into my Quit Journey. I hope to be talking with some of you in the future. I will keep you all updated on my progress!

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Kerin , Valentine's Day is my day to be a "EX Smoker" I have a feelings we will be bloging our stories about the same time. I have smoked for 43 years. I have never tried to quit before, I have thought about it just never had the goal in mind. I am thinking of posting on Facebook that I will be a "Ex Smoker" just not sure if I should. Do I wait for poeple to notice or should I proclaim my goal so family and friends know?

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My name is Julie, I'm 40 this year and it seems like I never feel good, always tired and falling apart. So i decided I needed to make some changes in my life and giving up smoking is at the top of the list. I have smoked a pack a day for 20 years. I feel like I chose to smoke because my folks did and i was always around it. I dont want that for my kids.

The first time I tried to quit I couldnt believe that I was addicted to something like this, I guess I thought I had a choice. Well I learned very quickly that I had a problem. This time I have taken quiting very seriously, I take Chantix and have followed the program. Yesterday was my first day of a NON-SMOKER!!! Since taking Chantix I was down to 3 smokes the day before my quit day, it really didnt make my quit day any easier, I still wanted a smoke. The last couple weeks have been rough and I dont ever want to go back down that road, I never want to smoke again!!! But as you all know this is a rough journey, I will look forward to share with you my good days and bad. I will be glad to see you here with your experiances too. Great feeling to know someone is out there with my goal to quit smoking.

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Hi my name is Jazzy, I smoked for 42 years and quit for 6 months. I slipped just after christmas 2010, because I needed to feel part of the gang at work. I have COPD and really need to quit. I am hoping you all can help me quit again. I am allergic to the patch, champix (in Canada) didn't work for me, couldn't tolerate wellbutrin and the gum just doesn't cut it. The lozenges helped a bit but not enough. I quit cold turkey after getting pneumonia and it lasted 6 months. I'm hoping I can quit again without getting sick this time. Thanks for inviting me here Jo.

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My name is Lisa and I have smoked for 30 years and have made a decicion to finally quit, I went to the doctor and he prescibed wellbutron, my quit date is March 28, 2011. I am tracking my cigarettes and doing my best to cut back now. I tried chewing gum but that just seems to make me want to smoke, any ideas on that one? What has help yall to quit?

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Find out the answers to these and many other pertinent questions and also extablish a network of support in the BLOGS! Folks are waiting there to see you and give you that boost into your New Smoke FREE LIFE!

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Hi everyone. Im new to this site today. My quit day is april 4th. Ive quit once before for 3 months. Im a little worried because i remember the feeling of it. I definatly dont want to discourage anyone who might read this because everyone is different, but for me it was 3 months of hell!! Yes, some days were better than others but for the most part, even after 3 months, cigarettes were on my mind almost constantly. It was really very discouraging. I had expected after 3 months things would have gotten alot better. At least this time I know that wont be the case so I know more of what to expect. I am not normally so negative, its just that smoking has been the main part of my life now for 22 years. since I was about 15. I need all the encouragement  I can get. Im not your normal smoker. I think its harder for me to quit than most because Ive known alot of people who have quit and it seems like they had alot easier time of it than I did. Help

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