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Give and get support around quitting



As I wander around this site and others I have not seen one mention of quitting because of how it affects our appearance. Ya know...yellow teeth, smokers lines around the mouth, wrinkles.
I am going to go get my teeth cleaned and start a whitening program with the idea that I won't want undo my pearly white shine.
I ultimatley want to live longer and feel better but, is anyone out there interested in looking better too? Am I the most shallow want-to-be-exer ever??
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30 Replies

I am only on day two so I don't even have one day without smoking yet. The 26th is my quit date. I have heard so many encouraging things about it though. I know it's not right for everyone but. I truly believe this is the right choice for me. I'll keep you posted.
I used to get the younger than my age too. Maybe we should give ourselves a break from the scrutiny until we are free from nicotine. I have a sneaking suspicion we will see ourselves in a whole different light. I am going to stand a little farther away from the mirror until I have been smoke free for one month.
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Hear that ladies...
Good news!!!
Thank you Julie
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Thank you.
I guess being a makeup artist for ten years I ran around in with all the other girls that wore black, chain smoked and lived on sticky buns and black coffee thinking we had unlimitted access to the fountain of youth. It doens't feel glamorous at all these days.
Although I still love sticky buns.
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Oh no honey, I actually bought my whitening kit two days ago and am so happy that I am not ruining it! In addition to the smoking, I am a huge coffee/soda/tea drinker, which doesn't help either. Since starting my quit this week, I can't stray from my coffee, but started using a straw for it and drink water the rest of the day. I will be so happy to be shinin'! LOL 🙂
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Good news to caffiene junkies (this includes me) Medical reports suggest that once the nicotine is out of our systems our caffiene sensitivity can as much as double. Caffiene is basically eaten by nicotine. So it won't take as much for us to get the buzz we crave. It's one way to cut back without trying. =P
Ya'll know that caffiene spikes your insulin levels causing you body to store fat right?
That's why these skinny little girls that live on Starbucks have cellulite.
Don't kill the messenger.
I think I am going to go drink my body wieght in H2O
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I also drink lot and lots of I'm a few of those people who actually like water. Since smoking a year and a half ago though, I realize that I was drinking less water.
I drink Diet Coke also...but always have used it through a straw as to the effects on my teeth. Ludicrous that I starting smoking!
I had a non-s
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Dang it! I see that there are replies and when I go on I can't FIND THEM!! Gaaah! ?????
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Too silly isn't it. I know why I started at 13 but ,I have quit so many times and had it licked just to start up again. All the while taking the right vitamins , eating healthy, working out, helllo...
the edge I have right now is recognizing the biggest lies I tell myself to land me here again.
1.) It will help me cope with stress until the stressor is gone then I will quit again.
When the original stress had subsided I was left with the stress of being a filthy dirty smoker. (No offense to anyone who smokes that's just a pet name for me) =P
2.) I can have just one...heck it will probably be so gross after all this time I won't even want another one.
I hated the first one 25 years ago. Look at me now.
I can't ever let me lie to me like that again.
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Hey! Thats what my reward will be when I quit for one month I'm getting ZOOM done the tooth whiting thingy they do. I so hate my yellowish teeth talk about not cute!
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I don't know where you guys are in your quits, but if you are behind me, 44 days, you don't have to wait but a couple of weeks to start seeing results. These are the things I've been doing since I quit. I don't know which had been the most help to my complexion though. Some of them are just for heeling of my lungs. Some of them are supposed to be good for both.

Co Enzyme Q10
All of the anti-oxidants
N-Acetyl Cysteine. I told someone else around here about this one. She added afterwards in her quit. She says that she has had noticalbe results since adding it as a supplement.

Loreal Wrinkle Decrease. I this stuff helped even when I was still smoking. I switched to all Loreal products and it seems to be making a difference.

Lot's of water.
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