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Vacation is over Monday!

Well my weeks vacation is about anything??? No not really....before my vacation started over a week daughter had graduated from high school then all of a sudden she changed....after here dad was here....she got this "Tude" that was she was going to wait till the 19th of june to go to florida to stay with her dad and brother for a while....but I told her to go ahead and get her bags ready and she could leave Saturday 14th...there was no need is making our lives miserable here...miss her ?? yes...we took her to the airport saturday morning...and she is now in long?? who knows?? Return ticket ends at the end of August...have I heard from her?? yes the first couple 3 days..I haven't heard from her since wed. Anyway...I haven't smoked...thought about it ...but it wasn't gonna make anything change....still having issues with my cellutitus on my leg...and have had it wrapped up for 3 weeks now...going once a week to have it changed...just had the ultra sound on the leg yesterday....won't know anything till next week..on what's happening...with it...the last couple days I've been on pain pills so I've slept alot...! So anyway you don't need to know my life history...just that I'm still smoke free....
Smoke free 97 days!!
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1 Reply

97 AWESOME SMOKE FREE DAYS!! Way to go, Deb! Keep up the awesome work!!

I can totally relate to how that teen "switch" can flip at a moments notice. My oldest's "switch" flipped when she turned 15 and nothing was the same after. She is 30 this year. I don't know if its just them cutting the apron strings or what. I do know that its heartbreaking and frustrating all at the same time. I feel for you with the pain of your cellulitis. I hope the doctors can come up with a less painful plan to stop that from happening.

And in spite of all that, you are DETERMINED and STRONG and SMOKE FREE!!! Hang in there. You are doing so good!!!

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