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Give and get support around quitting


Update 08/13/19: Horrible news but I won't smoke!

We found out the right before hurricane Florence decided to make landfall right on top of them, that my father-in-law had pancreatic cancer.  

UPDATE SO FAR:  OK my FIL (father in-law) went to have a CAT or maybe MRI, hubby didn't remember which, last Friday.  It is cancer but is limited to the pancreas not the colon.  As for the severity or type we don't know yet but hubby will be calling his dad today for an update.  He was supposed to have all the results in yesterday so we didn't want to jump on the phone before he and his wife process the news themselves.  I'm praying hard for them.  I will hopefully post an update later today or tomorrow.  

UPDATE 10/19/2018:  My FIL had his first round of Chemotherapy a couple days ago. He had the usual sickness that comes with chemo for a little over a day but was feeling better yesterday.  He said that the tumors haven't grown very much and a few haven't grown any bigger. Hubby told me yesterday that his sister was coming down from Massachusetts soon, I don't remember when exactly. She hasn't seen or spoken with us in about 25 years for no particular reason other than brothers and sisters rarely call each other..Please send prayers  and love their way! Will keep you all updated and thank you for all the love you've already provided.

UPDATE 08/13/2019:  Thank you all for your prayers! I ask for all people on EX to crank up the volume on those prayers!  My F-I-L doesn't have much time left.  He's had hospice come to the house a couple times and they will be having a hospital bed brought to his home.  My S-I-L flew down Sunday and told my husband that the tumors have grown a lot and his insulin use has increased.  Hubby is going down tomorrow to get things moved, etc.  My F-I-L has lived way past his initial life expectancy the doctors gave him. I wish FIL and his wife had allowed me to see him but that was out of my hands so I just pray for them.  Please keep praying that he leaves this world quietly and in peace.  I hope our gracious, forgiving lord guides him as he walks into the light.

In Jesus' precious and holy name,


17 Respuestas

minihorses‌ Chemo might be a good sign...they aren't jumping in there to do surgery.  Maybe they are hoping to shrink the cancerous cells and then remove them.  Please keep us posted when you hear anything.

You can handle can handle ANYTHING that comes your way and you do NOT have to do it alone.

Love and hugs,



(((((((((((((((((((Humongous caring hug from me to you)))))))))))))))))))


Sending prayers Julie. Im so sorry, this has been a lot for anyone to go through. On another note, seeing that your still smoke free is a beautiful thing. Blessings to you all.

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Praying for you and your family.

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My best prayers for you and your family. You may have to find a way to grieve in private as unfair as that is. Sorry! 8(

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Thank you for your prayers.  I will have an update on his condition tomorrow night when my husband gets home.

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Julie, you know that I have been keeping you and your family in my prayers.  May God surround you all with the peace and hope of Christ.  Take care.

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Prayers going up for you and your family, Julie.



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