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Ungrateful People

So I work at Walmart.  I'm a Department Manager of Dairy.  Walmart has started metering Customers in. Everyday something changes. Last Friday  they started talking Our Temperature.  They ask 4 Questions if U answer any of them Yes then u go to Another area and are asked 3 more Questions  and the A panel of Managers will decide if u need to go home after taking your Temperature.  Anyway  they've Also said Only one person per household can come in at a time. The Associates at the doors have been cussed at threatened yelled at . We are trying to Help keep People from getting sick but some Customers just don't care. We are Only using one door because they won't comply with the Instructions of Only 1 per household. This is so Crazy.  Limiting buying of certain items so that Everyone can get what they need. I pray this is Over soon. Stay Safe Everyone 

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45 Replies

We have become a "Me, Me, ME" culture, I'm afraid.  Our freedoms have also bred an attitude of "I can do what I want!"  This is a new world now, and people are resistant to it. 

I am SO sorry people who are literally risking their lives to keep ours supplied with the needs of daily living are being treated so badly.  I fear for our society that this is so.

And I apologize to you and others in your situation and send heartfelt thanks for the job that you are doing - for us.



Thank u  Nancy. I'm Grateful that I'm still working and that Customers trust us Enough to continue to shop


Exactly!! People complain about how this is affecting them without any thought to how it affects others in a more serious way physically, financially and emotionally.


It is a shame how some people act.  I saw two things at the park this morning and just shook my head.     But remember it's not everyone.  The jerks are the one's that always stand out in our minds.  Personally, I never go to Walmart, but I appreciate (most) everyone working during this crisis.   There are some services/business that I don't understand why they're open.  

Be safe.



Thank you  Barb. U too


I have a good friend who works in a grocery store in a wealthy suburb.  You wouldn't believe the stories I hear about rudeness and entitlement from her customers.  She has worked there for 12 years, but is seriously thinking about resigning.  Not because she fears for her health, but because the stress of the mean and angry customers is fraying her nerves to the breaking point .


Sorry to hear that. I personally don't let anyone or anything have Control over me. 


My son's fiancee works at Wal-Mart here in NB and the ignorance of some people is unbelievable only one person per household is supposed to do the shopping once a week BUT alot of people are still going in twice a day and coming in as a family many people are wearing gloves and just tossing them in the parking lot when there's garbage cans, I pray people will brighten up and treat you and all of the essential workers with the respect that you all deserve. Gai.C



Thank you  MarilynH