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Give and get support around quitting


Unfortunately, I'm back!!

I quit last July and did soooo good for 3 months and then I don't know what happened but I just had a real bad craving and caved! I started again and it's been three months and I am finding it very hard to quit again even though I really don't enjoy it. Please I need help!!
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9 Respuestas

Are you ready to quit this time?
Are you willing to put in ALL of the hard work?
Are you ready to tell yourself that NO MATTER WHAT.........SMOKING IS NOT AN OPTION?
Ask yourself these questions, and really be honest with yourself. Some times we have to be our own
bully, to get things stuck in our hearts.

The first step for you should be writing down all of the reasons you chose to smoke again.
Then decide if any of those reasons will pop up in the future. If they will, then you need to make a plan
on how to handle them without smoking.
Stress will never go away, but if you change the way you handle it, quitting will be less of a struggle.
Wishing you all the best,
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I'm sorry you lost it, but glad you're back to try again. Danielle has words of wisdom. Heed them.

Yes, I can imagine it would be very hard to begin all over again. That's one of the things that has kept me smoke free. Sometimes it takes a few rounds to get it right. The three month milestone I find is a very shaky one. I blew a good quit at that marker also.

I don't recall if you read the Allen Carr book. If you did, read it again. If you didn't, do. You now have to go back and employ all the methods you used first time around. However you did it before, the mind set and techniques got you into a solid three month quit. If you really don't enjoy smoking, then stop. Put them down and don't look back. Pretend the last three months just didn't happen. Pretend will all your might, and imagine you're back into your quit. Yup, just like that. Try it.

I'm glad you joined Relapse Traps. I hope it will help you keep your next quit.
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Look on the bright side, you came back! The last time I relapsed cost me 5 years. I am not going to make that mistake again. Welcome back! You can do it!
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So its not the pleasure of smoking.

Could it be your solace when everything turns to ****?

Your friend when there are no others?

We all convinced ourselves it was more than it was and gave it the power.

See this and be free.
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You say "Unfortunately" you are back. Really it is fortunate you are back since that means you have chosen life. Good job! You know what you need to do to get past the first hard weeks and now you are ready to go the long haul. Welcome Back!
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I did the same thing!! I'm 3 days in to my FINAL Quit!!! I'm here to help!! You can do it!!!!! You have to WANT it!!!!
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Welcome back,
but know this, there are no exceptions for the law of addiction.
You are an addict, you will be addicted as long as you live....we all are.
You chose to smoke, there was no falling nicotine levels until you decided to smoke, rededicate yourself to quit, one day at a time.
Quit again, Never Take Another Puff, and succeed forever.
PS. I killed a 32 month pause in 2003, took 4 yrs of killing myself and a lot of self loathing to get back.
Regards, RJ...Free At Last...497 days, after 32+yrs of feeding the addiction.
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I know where you are coming from and so does everyone here. I will be starting this on the first of Feb. again!
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Well, Danielle said everything I wanted to say...I knew I shouldn't have told her everything I was going to say !!!!! (Just kidding !!)
Hey, Kris - Oddly enough, I remember you !!!! I quit on July 1st... that WAS my FINAL QUIT !!!

Tell ya attention to what Danielle said - make that list; and make that plan !!! And I am also here to help you - to support you all I can !!!! Learn from your they don't happen again !!!!

Welcome back !!!!!!!
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