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Give and get support around quitting



My daughter has always slept terribly and it's been really rough the last 3 weeks. I'm exhausted, she's exhausted I'm so frustrated and angry. I'm starting my mental cycle which is always painful, and my boyfriend brought home a stomach bug that I'm waiting for my daughter and I to catch. Welcome to day number two...

13 Respuestas

Ugh, indeed, 2019steph‌.  Sounds like you are really going through the rough patch at home!

How old is your daughter?  I am assuming an infant that is keeping you up at night?

You should be proud of yourself for slogging through the hardest part of the quit.  The first few weeks are physically draining because nicotine literally affects every system in your body.  Which just shows what a powerful substance it is and why we need to quit!!

Keep posting and keep the quit


Keep the Quit

Unfortunately my daughter's a young toddler at a year and a half she still wakes a lot and now we're working on molars so that's even worse.

It's be alright, these molars have been taking their time and if she ever stops trying I know she will sleep like a baby at least for a few days/nights.

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The first couple of days are the WORST.  Then the first couple of weeks are not a lot easier, but THEN.................................

it does get easier as the days pass.  Try to envision your life going forward without the need to buy smokes, without worrying about when and where you can get your next fix.  Keep your eye on the prize

Get through these early days the best that you can.  Nap if you can.  Give yourself plenty of slack, and TLC.  If you don't get anything else done, you ARE quitting smoking, and that is a very big deal!

Just hang in there, a day at a time, sometimes an hour at a time.  There is no quick fix, no "pass GO."

Stay the course - just don't smoke!  It's gonna' get better - I promise!



No smoking! I'm just glad I don't drink like a butt.

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I KNOW!  I knew I smelled like an ashtray, and used to be embarrassed to get on the elevator with my colleagues after a "break," but even knowing that (and I did), it didn't make me quit.  I am doubly embarrassed to look back on it now.


I know!!! I smell it on my BF now like ugh

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You are doing this quit and you're doing it one precious Smokefree Day at a time or hour minute or even a second at a time I'm really hoping you and your precious will both a decent nights sleep tonight and I pray that neither of you will get the stomach bug but life happens to non smokers to so deep breaths and know that we're all here to help you in any way we can and a super congrats on your precious quit journey.....


Thank s

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