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US regulators call on e-cigarette brands to reveal the 19 'hidden' toxins they suspect may be in vapor

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Day late and a dollar short, but better late than never!  Expect to be seeing a lot of vaping folks here in the near future, trying to break free.


Ya, but ...

"Although e-cigs might provide a safer alternative for current cigarette smokers trying to quit, the FDA has tried over and over to underscore that that doesn't mean they're safe."

Follow the $$$ ... and the power in the relationships (FDA, E-Cig/Vape Industry, Tobacco Industry).

Dear FDA:

E-Cigs are NOT a safer alternative to cigarette smoking and are definitely NOT even marketed as smoking cessation devices for those trying to quit by the manufacturers themselves (yet!).   (I know they will become what they need to be to keep business though.)  They are not safe.  Please get it right.  Our teenagers are depending upon you.  And oh, could you please hurry it up.  Thanks much!    

Your Friend, Lungs

Added thoughts to my original comment:

* If the FDA doesn't yet know what is in E-cigs how can they make a determination that they are safer than cigarette smoking?!

* The E-Cig/Vape Industry will slow walk turning over any ingredient info IMO while they are trying to come up with changes they need to make to them before discovery just like the Tobacco Industry did … for a loooooonnnnnggggggg time.

* Yes, the FDA & E-Cig Manufacturers will "work" together (kind of, eventually) to come up with warnings/package inserts and then the manufacturers of NRT's & meds will get on board with a Plan to get off them.  Each will play off each other for $$$  I predict … again. 

* Lawsuits against E-Cig Manufacturers I believe will be the impetus to bank on.


FDA investigating 127 reports of seizures after vaping 

I'll just add this link in here about the seizures. Soon we will hear about the synthetic flavors related issues. 

Those that got lied to about vaping will be coming, YoungAtHeart

I gave it a try, Oxygen for my lungs now.. No more Toxins


I think they are terrifying...seriously, look at all of the people coming here trying to stop vaping.  They could do it anywhere, anytime and the didn't have to hide out.  Kind of like it was when I started smoking.  Yet another generation to be addicted.  Makes me SICK.



Glad you are sharing this information...I am learning from what you post...I know so little about this vaping...WhispersQSMB 

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Vaping is not safe; just 95% safer than the smoking.  Attacking vaping with cherry-picked junk science serves to help Big Tobacco and the government continue to make money off the lives of smokers.  

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I am not ready to go over the same, tired arguments with you - but I would hope you would do a search for vape or Juul here on the site and read the stories of people who have had negative effects from vaping and want help to rid themselves of THAT addiction.  Using nicotine and imitating the motions of smoking is NOT a safe or proven way to become free of addiction and should never be touted as such.  It might be safer than smoking - but new evidence is showing that it might not be.  It had not been studied enough to know before now and as data is becoming available, it is alarming.  Popcorn lung?


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