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Give and get support around quitting


Trying to become an ex

I started on here a few days a go I have quit for peiods of time here and there before but then I get stressed and it starts with one and then well I have to finish that back and before I know it I am back to smoking again. My husband doesn't smoke and is always bugging me about it and he's over seas right now... I want to be smoke free by the time he gets back... hopefully a while before then so I am more solid in my resisting temtation. I don't want to do everything to avoid my children seeing me smoke I want to not smoke... I've just had some trouble getting there. This is far different from every other quitting website I have been on in the past so I hope it's going to really help me. I find it so easy to get through a day without smoking if I don't have one in the morning... but as soon as I get stressed the next day or that night I'm out getting a pack and lighting up... I have faith that if I follow the plan and don't try to skip steps and just quit I can do this... I hope I'm right.... I REALLY hope I'm right

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1 Reply

I have heard that once a person goes so many days with out a cigarette that they can quit like that & that they stop getting cravings for a smoke, Funny thing is I have heard that somany times & all said different numbers of days, From 4 days to 11 days ,,,, LOL Those are just myths, I officially quit smoking back on January 26 2009, My last cigarette was around 8:00PM, But a Program I made helped me an a few others quit, 1 or 2 have majorly cut down on number of cigarettes they smoke in a day & I think they will soon be stopped altogether, But you have a reason to try an remain a non smoker, And that reason is your kids, to stop them from seeing you smoke & so you have a chance at living longer so you can end up spending more time with them ,,,,, Plus if you don't smoke and a child desides to try smoking then you would have a better chance at smelling it and getting the child to stop the habbit sooner then,,,  before its to late

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