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Give and get support around quitting


Today is the day!

I started Chantix 3 weeks ago. The last 5 days I have smoked one cigarette each day 2 puffs at morning, 2 at lunch and 2 before bed. I cut this back yesterday to 1 puff 3 times a day. I woke up this morning and decided to see if I could make it to lunch. Lunch came and went with no cigarette. I decided no more. I will continue taking the Chantix for at least one more month. I feel good, but anxious. I just wish I had someone to chat with that really understands.

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16 Replies

Thank you. I’ve read several replies today.


Be sure to read the links shared!! Those have helped shape a successful quit for me and I hope they help you too. N.o.p.e.  not one puff ever.  

0 Kudos

WELCOME Magnolialane‌ !  You're doing exactly right!

I didn't use Chantix, but I've met several people who did.  They are all still smoke-free several years later!  The one thing they all said was that Chantix really does help, BUT... they also had to put in the work themselves, it isn't a magic pill and there are ups and downs and snags that will happen.  Being prepared for those times is key.

Reading and educating yourself with all the links provided above will be a major part of that work you need to put in.  The more you know and understand about this addiction, the stronger you will be when urges/cravings hit and when you stop taking the Chantix.  I don't know that there are problems with Chantix-cessation, I haven't heard of any.  

I think Chantix is a powerful tool in this battle against nicotine addiction.

Would Ray Liotta and those beautiful blues lie?


Rachy2283 , marciem 

Don't be surprised if you don't get a response from the author.  This blog is two years old - and I haven't seen this person around!


Thanks!   LOL, it caught me!!  I only saw the date of the last reply. I keep forgetting to look at the date originally posted.

But... you never know.  A lot of what we write here doesn't reach the intended poster but other readers might get some encouragement/enlightenment from it.  I try to keep that in mind when I write replies.

Are you talking to me?

Are you talking to me?