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Give and get support around quitting


Today is the day (again) My Story

To start off, I will introduce myself as some background info. I am a 29 year old male living in Michigan. I have a wife and a 3 year old little boy. As a young child I was diagnosed with ADD and later in life I was diagnosed with ADHD. I was on medications for this throughout my entire teens and then stopped when I finished high school because it caused a lot of eating issues and turn me into a robot which hurt my social life as an introvert.

I started smoking when I was 12 with some friends thinking it was cool and that is when I developed the addiction. It was easier to quit when I was younger because I couldn't actually buy them and getting into trouble with the law forced me to stay home on probation in my mid teens. As soon as I turned 18 I went to smoking and was a full time smoker for 10+ years.

In stating all of this, it is now apparent that cigs have been apart of my life for quite sometime and I engraved it into my daily routine which has made quitting extremely challenging for me. I can't tell you how many times I have attempted to quit and failed. I've tried cold turkey, patches and Chantix. My longest quit was exactly one year while on Chantix and I replaced cigs with running.

And then ... vaping got big and I decided to go to that as a safer alternative since I missed the novelty of smoking. That has actually made quitting even harder for me. I know that I have the right mindset and continually want to quit for my health, to save money from the $7 per day pack of cigs (which I smoke a pack or more a day).

Last night, I was on my deck at my wife and I's new house we just moved into and my son approached me while smoking. I had to be stern with him to stay away from me while smoking my cigarette and he just looked at me confused. I said "Buddy you cannot be next to daddy when he is smoking. I don't want you to get sick, I said." That was when a red flag was raised for me. I felt horrible that I was exposing him to this crap and that I would be setting a bad example for him on day to struggle with this addiction the same way I did. Just writing this brings tears to my eyes thinking about him and this addiction.

I really want to quit smoking but i struggle so much with the routine and the habit of smoking. I would love to hear some tips from people who have quit and struggled as much as I have. I always think to myself, "I see so many people live their lives normally without cigs ... how do they do it?"

I was supposed to quit last night but this morning I was awoken to an intense craving and bought a pack and smoke 1 cig. When I got to work I put my nicotine patch on and I am calling this my quit day and hopefully this will be the last time. Now I am here typing this message out to random strangers on the internet in hope to build a strong sense of community with people who struggled and/or are struggling with this right now. 

My name is Brandon and today I officially quit smoking. Please HELP! 

30 Replies

Just one additional thought from me bkaylor‌.

Get yourself a copy of Alan Carr's "Easy Wat to Quit Smoking." (You can find it online at Amazon, etc.) The author says to KEEP SMOKING until you are done with his book. For me, that took a lot of the pressure off.

By the time I finished his book, I was totally into the frame of mind to quit. After more than 60 years of heavy smoking (many years at 2 plus packs per day and a later priod of vaping), I am now seven months fully quit--not even one drag.

Is it worth a try for you??
