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Give and get support around quitting


Today is day 1 for me

I am more nervous than anything.  Not really nervous about messing up and smoking, just nervous about wanting to smoke and thinking about it all day.  Any words of advice?  i am not always busy all day at my mind wanders 

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3 Respuestas

I quit for 8 months several years ago. I'll go ahead and be honest. For like the next few days that's all you are going to think about. I remember reading that a craving only lasts for about 5 minutes so just remember your craving will subside. I chewed gum non stop and read everything I could get my hands on. Whenever you're bored or thinking about a cig. google smoking cessation and read an article. That worked for me. I'm here to cheer you on if you like! Feel free to add me as a friend if you like.

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Thanks!  That is so helpful!  I've been reading about quitting smoking all  morning and it does help!  What did it for you after quitting for 8 months?  If you don't mind me asking

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Stay on here today take it easy and celebrate today I am fifteen days today with help from chantix u will always have thoughts. But its how u deal with it I have stopped and started a lot and I'm happy I finally stopped good luck
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