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Give and get support around quitting


Three Years of Freedom

Today marks three years of freedom for me.  It all started with reading here and believing that it was possible to quit and most importantly stay quit.  I read Allen Carr's Easy Way several times.  I also had several serial quits leading up to my permanent quit.  I needed to learn that very hard lesson to never have just ONE, that it leads to many more. 

In the early days, I came here to give and receive support.  I honestly couldn't have made it without the kindness and wisdom of friends on this site.  There are some VERY special people here that are unlike any other site or support group that I have found.  I truly TREASURE each and every one of you.  THANK YOU!!

My life hasn't been easy these last three years, but let's face it, it never was easy leading up to quitting either.  I'm still not the perfect me that I would like to be, but I can tell you that I have grown a lot and am closer to the person that I want to be.  I no longer hate myself for smoking, knowing the whole while that it was killing me slowly and would take me from my children early.

Quitting smoking has helped me become a more honest and true version of myself, dealing with feelings that I had run from in the past.  I now have the courage to face these feelings without the mask of smoking which makes me a stronger and more authentic person than ever before.

I am now a role model for my children and other smokers out there wishing to quit.  My quit gives them hope that they too can one day quit and stay quit.  That makes me very happy. 

The occasional craves are still there once and a very seldom while, but they are just a mere passing thought that lasts no longer than a second and easily pass without struggle or temptation being an issue.  YOU can do this too!

I want and deserve to celebrate big, but don't know what I should do to commemorate this milestone.  Any suggestions are welcome.

Love to you all!  xoxo

23 Respuestas

I wanted to respond but I couldn't think of a suggestion on how to commemorate your Three Year Milestone.  I just kept sitting here thinking how glad I am that you've achieved it.  And I still can't come up with anything other than - what means the most to you Jamie?  A dinner at a restaurant seems kind of mundane.  I thought of how much money you've saved in the past three years from not smoking and what you COULD afford to treat yourself to.  What have you been hankering to do that you've never done?  Anything?  Then do that.  

But mostly I  thought the real prize of a three year quit - is a three year quit.  So few have been able to accomplish that on this site, so you can imagine how few have been able to conquer it on the whole in the world at large.  You have.  That's the biggest commemoration there is, really.  Succeeding at this.  

I'm so happy for you.  Quitting grows us like nothing else.  Many cheers!




Awesome quit - congratulations on three years!  Whatever you decide on is well deserved.

Irish Rose 


Congrats on your 3 years.  It's nice to meet you.   


Congrats to you! 3 YEARS !!!! YAY!


Gosh Jamie.  I can't believe it has been three years.  Huge Congratulations.  Your inner beauty shines through every time you write a blog. Relax about the self improvement.  I think you are wonderful already.  Enjoy your day!


Congrats on 3 years!  I am heading in to my first year in under two months now, and celebrate is for sure, in order!  

I think you're doing great, and hey!  Whose life is perfect anyway!?  But now that we are smoke free, we are pretty close to "next to perfect"  and that is a good feeling!    Congrats again Jamie!  Keep inspiring those around you!


This gives me hope


This is so amazing. Thank you for sharing and for helping those of who are in the early stages. Like Brown112‌ said, this gives me hope. 


Sorry I am late to the party - Big Congratulations to you!