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Give and get support around quitting


Thoroughly annoyed with myself, but getting back at it.

I just through 2 weeks of being smoke free away for 2 days of not being able to cope.  Stupid.  Resetting my date for tomorrow.  I know that the only thing I can control are my actions and my reactions.  It was a reaction, and I gave in.  No I can't completely remove family from my life, so will leave it at that, but I felt good, got so much done, so nice to have clean clothes, bedding, MOUTH and be able to breathe.  Man I'm pissed off at myself, but not going to let that make me give up.  I've been smoking more than 2 packs a day for way too long.  Dammit.  Seriously.  

14 Respuestas

Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start over. BUT----do make sure you examine what went wrong and what you will  do differently when things go wrong again. As you are always with are other "issues". One great thing I tried to remember when I quit was that non smokers have work problems, family problems, boredom, stress, illness and death....and they deal with it without smoking. If they can.....we can too.

Use this site for support if you feel yourself caving.

Stay Strong.

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I would be mad at myself too but don't waste your time  beating up on yourself just jump back in to your quit and begin again enthusiastically not guiltily  and Renew your commitment !!! I have been there and done  that too and so have so many of us that are successful now ! It is one day at a time and you must make the commitment to NOPE ! saying flowers rock good on for quitting.jpgsayings quit keep going.jpg

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Smoking doesn't fix anything, it doesn't do anything FOR us but it sure does a lot TO us.  Once I got that into my head...I won't say it was easy but it was easier and it kept getting easier and easier.  It's been over three years for me now and every time I had a crave I asked myself what would smoking really do to CHANGE things.  I could never come up with a reason to smoke.  I didn't have any cigarettes in my house, I would have had to go to the store, I didn't have any ashtrays or lighters or matches so it would have been a big deal.  I am SO GLAD that I quit!

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Think positive, come here and blog. Don't be mad at yourself

Be Mad at smoking.Quitting is the best gift you can give yourself.

It's the gift that keeps on giving.

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So glad to see you back at it - and so soon. 

Just keep in mind that there is never a good reason to smoke (if you doubt - try making a list and keep in mind that it does nothing for stress that it didn't create in the first place, and the help focusing was only because you took that break!); there are only EXCUSES to smoke. 

YOU get to decide whether you smoke or not- make the right decision!


Dang, Girl!  More than two packs a day?  I know cigarettes weren't always as expensive as they are today but in my little corner of the world, that equates to $17.00/day, or $119/week, or $6,188/year, give-or-take, depending how much more than two packs a day you smoked.  I know you don't pay it all at once, which makes it less noticeable, but I sure would notice $17.00/day.  Not judging; smoking one is as stupid as smoking one-hundred, but at my worst I smoked half a pack a day and that made me angry with myself.  I can image your frustration.

And that's just financial.  Ask yourself.  How much is the ability to breath worth to you?  I don't think you can put a price on that.

So glad you're getting right back to it.  I don't envy you going through day one again, but I know you can do it.  I know I'm not alone willing you SUCCESS!

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dfranke716‌ One day at a STEP at a time.  Don't beat yourself up, go forward from today.  

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Congratulations on your decision to stay quit! You had a relapse, but your starting the journey again! That's the important thing. Be sure to forgive yourself for your past digression. Don't want that guilt or anger to sneak up on you after you walk the walk again. Create the quit of a lifetime this time! We'll be here for you!



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On the other hand, don't let yourself off too easily.  Don't want to get addicted to slipping up.  = )

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